What You Need To Know About Blood Clotting Disorders
Blood clots are a health problem that most people experience. There are many instances when blood clots in the body may occur such as in the vein of our calf resulting in a sore swollen leg which is known as deep venous thrombosis (DVT). When the blood clot stays where it is, this may cause discomfort and the most dangerous part is when it ruptures, this can travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body such as the brain and the lungs resulting in a condition known as venous thromboembolism. Venous thromboembolism may be caused by a genetic alteration but it is not always due to genetics.
People who experience clotting because of genetic alteration are known to have hereditary thrombophilia. This clotting disorder does not cause blood clots on their own however they give people a high chance of getting blood clots. People who are afflicted with this disorder will more likely to develop clots if they are overweight, stay in bed for 10 days or more, have a serious injury or surgery, are pregnant and have just given birth, are smokers, taking contraceptive pills or a hormone replacement therapy and have cancer. If the blood clot goes to the lungs this is known as pulmonary embolism. This is fatal especially if the blood clot or the embolus clogs the main lung arteries and the person may die instantly. Signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism will include shortness of breath, sharp chest pain when inhaling and exhaling, feelings of apprehension, fainting or sudden collapse, rapid pulse, coughing, sweating and blood in phlegm.
The goal of on the treatment of DVT is to stop the clot from getting bigger and prevent it from breaking free into your vein and head towards the lungs, to lessen the chance of having another DVT and to reduce the likelihood of developing PTS or post thrombotic syndrome, the long term side effect of DVT. DVT is managed or treated with medication known as blood thinner which will lessen your blood’s ability to clot. These medications have the capacity to prevent the blood clots from forming and will rapidly improve symptoms when one experiences a blood clot thus preventing complications.
These medications in the other hand do not break up blood clots that have already been formed. Our body’s natural clot-breaking ability will help dissolve these formed blood clots. Pulmonary embolism is also treated with blood thinners. For very large clots found in the lungs that would cause severe symptoms, thrombolysis may be required. This medication has a clot busting ability that dissolves the clot and is only performed in the hospital.
Viagra or sildenafil, a drug prescribed to correct erectile dysfunction is harnessed to help create new anticoagulant properties however this must be taken into consideration that this drug is not appropriate or prescribed to treat any forms of blood clotting disorders. It is advisable to consult your health specialist before using any of these medications.