What To Avoid While A Designing A Custom Web Site

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    Dec 17, 2012
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A good design is imperative to a successful website. If you want your website to perform well there are certain aspects of designing that you need to focus on. Contrary to the common belief these are a few design myths that have to be done away with.

Splash your website with vibrant colors and you’ll do well.

You are totally wrong here! A lot of loud colors may not be a very good idea. People have to spend considerable time staring at the pages on your website, so too many loud colors could only hurt their eyes. Colors are used to set the ambiance and a mood to your website. Too many colors would only end-up confusing the audience and they would obviously navigate away from your site if they are confused.

The best thing to do is to choose two contrasting shades for your website and then couple it with a combination of black and a neutral color.

Put in as many images as you want.

A lot of people think that you can add as many images as you want on your website and that images are the only way to enhance the aesthetics of your website. But ideally its essential to maintain a good text-to-image ratio as a lot of images on your web page would slow down your site significantly.

On an average keep the size of your page less than 30 KB - that is all the images and the HTML. Editing your pics using image editors and saving them in the right format - .jpg for photos and .gif for web images and clipart.

Flash essentially enhances your website.

Flash is not the only way to put up moving images, graphics and other dynamic visual features. They can be achieved through HTML and CSS also. Besides they are a better choice as compared to Flash.

Flash is not compatible with every browser in the sense it requires the user to have the necessary plugins installed and updated frequently and this cannot always be expected. Such issues might cause visitors to abandon your site as they would not necessarily take the pains to install the plugins. Whereas the HTML5 does not have any of these hassles. This will ensure that visitors go through the entire content on your website.

Content Doesn’t really Matter

Wrong! When a visitor comes to your site he/ she is looking for some specific information. In this case visual aids would definitely help them quickly find what they are looking for . But after that they expect to find solid information, not just images strewn all over your page with bits and pieces of text here and there.

You have to use catchy and attractive text, tag lines or phrases that capture the attention of your audience to draw them to the actual contents. Basically when you put-up content, make sure that it’s easy to comprehend and is legible. Use the appropriate fonts, styles and sizes. Text further affirms any graphical representation that you have used thereby clarifying any doubts the user might have.

From a search engine perspective content is the most important part of a website. All the important keywords are included here and hence have to be frequently updated and kept fresh to improve your search engine rankings.

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eSparkInfo a leading Web design Company providing all IT solution like: Web design Services , Logo design, Graphics Design, eCommerce web design as well as all solution of open source Web development.

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