Seven Accessories to Buy for Your iPad

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    Oct 07, 2013
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Seven Accessories to Buy for Your iPad Photo by Sam Jones

The iPad is more than a novelty item, despite what some people might think. Especially when outfitted with certain accessories, the tablet becomes a suitable secondary computer for just about anyone. When properly outfitted, an iPad can replace laptop computers’ functions to a large extent. Here are ten accessories to buy for your iPad to make it more useful.

1. External keyboard. The iPad can connect to a keyboard through a wireless connection. You can use either a regular-sized keyboard you normally would use with desktop computer or buy a smaller and more compact mobile version. There are even some keyboards that are integrated into cases for the iPad, making them incredibly convenient to take everywhere.

2. Case. Speaking of cases, not having one for your iPad is generally a bad idea. Sure, you might throw your device into a bag instead of foolishly carrying it around wherever you go, but you still run the risk of it becoming damaged. Cases protect the screen from any other objects in your bag and make it easier to hold onto your device, making it far less likely you will drop it. There is a huge variety of cases on the market in a variety of styles. Some cases even come with extra pockets for carrying pens, credit cards or whatever else you might need.

3. Stylus. You can use your fingers to make selections and perform other actions on your iPad, but a stylus provides even more functionality. With a stylus you can draw straighter lines and make more precise movements in different apps.

4. Cleaning cloth. Your iPad’s screen can quickly become incredibly dirty since you use your fingers on it all the time. As oils and other debris accumulate on the screen, it can become harder and harder to see what you are doing. Clean your screen without damaging it by purchasing a good screen cleaning cloth. Look for cloths that are designed to not scratch the screen or leave lint on it.

5. External speakers. While the built-in speakers that come with your iPad can sometimes cut the mustard, having a quality set of external speakers can make watching videos or listening to music on your iPad a more enriching experience. External speakers come in a variety of prices and with various features, so do your homework before buying a set.

6. Camera connection kits. There are a few kits on the market that allow you to connect your camera to your iPad trough a dongle that plugs into the 30-pin connection on the bottom of the device. On the other end of the dongle is a USB plug. Some sets also come with an adapter that has an SD card slot.

7. Headphones. Since the iPad doesn’t come with headphones, you need to supply a pair of your own. Headphones come in handy in situations where you cannot have your iPad making noise, such as on an airplane. But don’t go with just any pair of headphones. Choose a set that has a microphone so you can use them with FaceTime and Skype instead of using them just to listen to music or watch videos.

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