Most common Blackjack cheats and how to spot them to minimize losses

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    Jul 31, 2013
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Most common Blackjack cheats and how to spot them to minimize losses Photo by Clifton Tibbitts

Of course almost all of them will get caught eventually because of the various security measures casinos have put up to deal with this issue. A successful Blackjack cheat will never boast about his or her tricks and will remain under the radar at all times. Even then, the casinos have eyes everywhere so in my opinion it would be easier to rob a bank instead.

You're still here? Okay, let's go over some of the most common scams and cheats people have used in the past when playing Blackjack.

The Flashing Cards Method

More often than not a Blackjack scam is made possible by the help of the card dealer himself. The most common way is for the dealer to flash the top card at the Blackjack cheater who can use this information to greatly increase their chance of winning a hand. Blackjack dealers are quite skilled when it comes to handling cards so this little trick can remain unnoticed for quite some time, even for the more experienced observers. By knowing exactly which card is going to be dealt next the cheater has a significant advantage over the casino and other players on the table as well.

The Deck Switching Method

This scam takes a lot of balls because the cheater has to literally switch the entire deck with their own, pre stacked deck so they know exactly in which order the cards are going to be dealt. Again, the majority of these scams include the card dealer to make it a lot more easier to change the deck. Other people in the table are distracted by various techniques and one also needs to lean over the deck when making the swap in order to avoid being captured on cameras. All this sounds pretty difficult to pull off but with the right team by your side you can do some serious damage to any casino.

The Adding and Removing of Chips Method

Another method fraudsters use to cheat Blackjack is by adding or removing chips really fast whenever necessary. They simply use the hand they're dealt to conceal the chips they are adding or taking. One would add more chips when he or she is sure that he has a winning hand and remove some chips when the hand is lousy. By doing this they can greatly increase their winnings and dramatically decrease their losses.

The Marking of Cards

This is probably most common of them all. I bet even you have done this on a late night poker match with friends, no? The most likely way to mark cards and get away with it is probably when playing with friends because the big casinos out there have pretty solid security measures in place to counter this. For example they get a new deck after each game and sometimes even while in a game they arrange the replacement of card decks. There have also been reports on using a special kind of ink that is invisible to the human eye and can only be seen by wearing a special type of contact lense or glasses.

Now that you know the more common ways to trick a casino in a Blackjack game you know what to look out for in a Blackjack table to find out who might be trying to scam the house and you as well. I hope this has helped some of you, and always remember to keep an eye open at all times and your suspicion level up when playing with others for you may never know what your opponent has in mind.

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