LiveChatInc. vs Banckle Chat - A Comparative Analysis

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    Nov 13, 2013
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LiveChatInc. vs Banckle Chat - A Comparative Analysis Photo by Saira Riaz

Live chat apps are in high demand among online businesses around the world. The basic purpose of using a chat application is to have a live communication session to provide customer support to your website visitors. It helps websites to satisfy their customers in real-time and increase the sales conversion rate. There are a number of websites which benefit from such chat applications and have made these solutions an essential part of their online business. Live support apps have therefore, become an eminent entity for commercial, educational and personal websites. Online businesses are making use such apps for the support and sales process and have seen a major positive shift in terms of revenue and employee productivity.

Your website visitors are the prospects for your business and live customer support helps you to provide these important people with great services. If you care about your customers then you will have to make sure that their queries are answered in a timely manner. Live support application is the only way which makes it possible for your website. Over the last decade, there has been a sudden rise in communication and collaboration tools available in the software market. This causes a dilemma for customers in choosing the right solution for their websites. Today, we will do a comparative analysis of two of the most commonly used apps such as LiveChatInc. and Banckle Chat to find out about the unique features of both.

LiveChatInc. is a web-based chat solution which allows customers to communicate through a desktop application as well as logging in from their mobile devices. It offers many features such as canned messages, notifications, chat transfer between agents as well as handling multiple chat sessions with ease. It also provides pre- and post-chat survey forms to the visitors to collect feedback about the customer service. You can rate visitor satisfaction based on this feedback. You can also see the visitors waiting in a queue for your response and the visitor who has waited the longest. You can also analyze the visitors' traffic based on the number of chat sessions, ratings, queues, availability and customer surveys. Older chat sessions can be archived and are readily available for you to view. It also offers integration with third-party applications as well as assess your performance by measuring how many chat sessions with visitors ended up with a sale.

Banckle Chat
Banckle Chat is also web-based application with customizable apps for mobile users such as Android, iPhone and iPad. It consists of an easy-to-use interface and a centralized admin console to manage all your chat sessions on one Dashboard. It allows you to add a float-able and personalized live chat icon on your website as well as custom branding for your products with the white-labeling feature. It offers multiple language support for visitors around the globe. It ensures platform, OS and browser independence as well as allow you to seamless transfer chat in real-time without any hassle. Visitors can leave an offline message for the support agent in case no operator is online. The operator can then, reply to these messages whenever he/she comes online. Integration with third-party apps, platforms and storage solutions is also provided by Banckle Chat.

One of the most sought-after capability of Banckle Chat is that it allows you to easily track your website visitors and keep logs of all the visitors who land on your website. Along-with the referral information of your visitors, it also enables you to have technical as well as demographic details about them. You can also keep an eye on your website traffic as this app provides you with interactive charts, graphical data and reports for monitoring. It is not just a chat app but also consists of a comprehensive support package for your website. It is part of a complete solution for your multiple business needs such as online meetings, email solution, CRM and marketing campaigns. Being part of a complete application suite, Banckle Chat is quite simple and interactive for first time users.

Both of these applications offer a free trial period for new users which is 30-days in case of LiveChatInc. and 14, for Banckle Chat. However, in terms of pricing, Banckle Chat is a clear winner as it offers more capabilities and features at a lower cost to its users as well as an additional number of pricing plans as compared to LiveChatInc.

Author's Profile

Saira is a social media writer and technology analyst who keeps her focus on the upcoming industry trends. She writes about hip new apps being used widely around the world and her take on these solutions. Currently, she is writing for Banckle and other customer service apps she comes across in her research.

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