Material Master Data Management will Govern the Future Enterprise

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    Sep 15, 2014
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Material Master Data Management will Govern the Future Enterprise Photo by Jessica  Bank

The old practice of just stocking some merchandise and spending a little amount for advertisement is no more effective to stay in the business for long if one wants to confront the high competition. Today, enterprise gives high priority to information gathering and analysis. Based on the data, companies plan their future course of action. In order to heighten business efficiencies, various information, like product and customer data is collected, analysed, consolidated, and distributed all over the business organization. A group of tools with some policies and processes are applied to define a particular business situation. This is called master data management solutions.

To master data is not an easy task. It is because data is hidden at innumerable places or sources. In the matter of ownership of the data, some political challenges are created. For offering dependable data to the enterprises, a firm should efficiently address some issues like data consolidation and completion. Besides, they should concentrate on data accuracy and on some generic model for maintaining consistency. Master data management vendors will help you highly in this context.

Some important aspects are linked to transactional data. They are state, collaboration, complexity. Transactional data is controlled under a lifecycle of “state”. Interaction and collaboration are needed between two operators in most transactions for the sake of modification. Each one of them plays a vital role in the transaction. At a lookup, table typical reference data is reserved to fulfil a single purpose. The transactional reference data is not simple. This type of data is complex by nature. We see the challenges of different degrees in different industries, such as logistics, utilities, telecom, high tech, and insurance.

Now, we shall discuss about material master data management. In this type of data, descriptions of different materials are procured, produced, and kept in record for future use. It can be addressed as central repository of data of raw and finished materials. A variety of data elements, such as part number, description and stocking codes, is linked with material master. We all should know about an important role of material master. It creates the core of any ERP system which is engaged with manufacturing or distribution type of function. Data redundancy can be avoided if different material data is integrated in a single material database. As a result data can be utilized by different departments like engineering, accounting, purchasing, warehousing, sales and distribution, forecasting.


Jessica Banks is regarded as a dedicated writer on finance and economy. Her article on material master will help thousand of enterprises reshape their business.

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