Boiler Maintenance A Short Guide

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    Jan 23, 2014
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Boiler Maintenance A Short Guide Photo by Nick Agur

Got a boiler for this winter? What about for the next year? Confused? Yes, you won't receive the same operation year after year if you fail to maintain it properly. A good boiler maintenance plan consists of observing, adjusting, cleaning and lubricating various pieces of mechanical equipment on a regular basis. Boiler maintenance is either protective or corrective.

Usually protective maintenance tasks are routine and are aimed to prevent breakdown and to prolong the useful life of equipment, while corrective maintenance is the repair or replacement of parts as required by occasional breakdowns.

Protective Maintenance

Protective maintenance begins with initial start-up. This is the most important step affecting the boiler. Boiler start-up should be performed by the manufacturer’s authorised agency. Because of the importance of a proper start-up, the sequence of steps involved is outlined here,

• Inspect all gages, controls, water glass, and blow-down piping, relief valves and others. Also inspect for foreign objects on both fireside and waterside. Check interiors for rags, scrap material and tools.

• Run electrical equipment to check the operation and assure lubrication to rotating parts. Fill with water and boil promptly to drive off dissolved gases to avoid corrosion.

• Water in boilers should be checked and kept at proper levels. Water columns should be monitored to ensure connections are clear and water returns to the proper level in the gauge glass when drain valves are closed.

• When water is not visible in the gauge glass, all stresses on the boiler should be gradually reduced.

• Inspect the boiler thoroughly, including hydrostatic test, before returning it to service.

• At least, once in a year, the boiler, the flame safeguard supervisory system, and other safety controls should be inspected during a scheduled shutdown by an authorised boiler inspector.

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is the repair or replacement of parts as dictated by occasional breakdowns. Schedule inspections with boilers cool, hand holes and manholes open, and the boiler properly ventilated. Provide proper and convenient drain connections, and locate unobstructed floor drains. Major repairs should be done by a by a boiler servicemen.

A program of protective and corrective maintenance will help ensure that the boiler and steam systems operate safely and reliably.  Periodic inspections of the system will verify the integrity and safety of the system. Then why wait? Hire a right boiler inspection service now and have a warm winter.

Author's Profile

The author of this article expertise in boiler maintenance and offers variety of boiler service plan. All plans are the cheapest boiler cover and designed to give you peace of mind.

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