How to Choose the Best Paint Colour for Your Home?

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    Jan 15, 2013
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While planning to get your home painted, the first thing that comes your to mind is which colour will go well with the interior and exterior of your home. This can be very confusing and tedious, as a result, you might think of hiring a decorator or a professional to suggest you the best colour scheme, which will add to the cost of paint. Here are professional tips as to how you can choose the best paint colour to turn your home into a haven.

The use of colour wheel is a great idea as it will help you to pick the best paint colour for your home. You will discover how primary, secondary, and tertiary colours form new colours, when they blend with each other.

While deciding on the colours for your home, it is important to assess the intensity of colors. For example, different shades of blue include, sky blue, royal blue, cyan, baby blue etc. Out of these shades, baby blue and sky blue are of low intensity. In the same way, every colour has a range of shades from high to low intensity.

You can also take help from paint strips during selection. Paint strip contains colour ranging from lightest to darkest in intensity and value. The two colours in the middle of the strip would be the safest option.

Try to know the colour scheme that will complement your house. Colour schemes fall into three categories. First is the complementary in which primary and secondary colours are combined from the opposite sides of the colour wheel (red and green). Second is the analogous scheme that includes warm (oranges, yellows and reds) and cool (greens, blues, and violets) colours. Neutral schemes include colours that are not included in the colour wheel, such as whites, browns, and blacks.

While selecting the colour, you should carefully visualize the undertone in it. Depending on the interiors and decorations, the look of the paint colour changes significantly. However, red, yellow, and blue are the exceptions. For example, if a red Oriental rug is placed right next to the white wall, the wall will possibly take on the pink undertones.

You also need to evaluate whether the light that falls into your room is direct, indirect, or artificial light. Take a look at the paint chips against rugs and furnishings. You can pick your favourite colour and brush a plain white sheet of paper. Put that coloured paper on the wall which is required to be painted and evaluate if it's the right colour.

You can also create a mood with different colours. For example, if it's your study or working area, you can use cool colours to create a calm ambience and if it's your play station room or kid's room, you can use warm colours to energize the room.

You can also change the size of room with the help of paint colours. If you want your small room to look larger, you should paint it with pale or cool colours. And, if you want your larger room to feel cosy, make use of darker or warm colours.

While choosing colours you should always keep in mind that colour of one room should flow naturally into the next. However, it is not necessary you have to use the same colour as you can make use of complementary colour schemes. With the help of these expert tips, you can choose the best paint colour for your "home sweet home".

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You can also consult a good painter in Melbourne or anywhere else about which colour will look the best in your house, and then hire them for the painting job. Click on this link to get more information!

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