Why is Medical Tourism Booming in Thailand?

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    Aug 14, 2014
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Why is Medical Tourism Booming in Thailand? Photo by Yogesh Verma

Medical tourism or health tourism is defined as the travelling of people to another country for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment in that country. Thailand is once such country where medical tourism is booming. With the medical visa to Thailand, you can easily avail of this service. In this article, we give you the reason why medical tourism is thriving in Thailand.

Role of Government

The government is actively promoting the benefits of the medical tourism and its various treatments that are available here. This makes it easier for potential patients to decide and choose what the best course of treatment is for their health. Right from the beginning, the government has developed a strong healthcare program to promote the scientific based education to produce excellent quality services and practitioners.

Additionally, the government has played an important role in the public health programs for its citizens. Also with the easy visa process and extensions, travelers from all around can conveniently travel to this country without too much hassle. With services like the “miracle Thailand card” a certain debit card which allows tourists to avail of medical and life insurance coverage in case of an accident.

Affordable Procedures and Stays

The government has ensured that tourists can have a peaceful and affordable stay in this country for medical purposes. Thailand has a reputation for graceful and attentive services attracting visitors from around the world. With reasonably priced hotels, fast transport services and convenient Medical Visa for Thailand, travelling to this country for any medical treatment or procedure is most beneficial to the patients and their families.

Highest Quality Standards of Service

The services and medical practitioners in the hospitals here have standards that compete with international ones from around the world. Many countries like the US, Turkey and Mexico send their patients to this country for various medical procedures and treatments. A few hospitals have western accreditations like the United States’ prestigious Joint Commission International (JCI) certification which is seen as the highest and top standard for healthcare service providers around the world. With such a certificate attached to the medical institute, it increases the vitality of the confidence of patients in undergoing foreign medical treatments here. Bangkok itself has about eight HCI accredited hospitals with Singapore on the other hand having 13 JCI-accredited hospitals.

To a patient and their family, committing to airfares, travels, visas like the Medical Visa for Thailand, accommodations and finance is a crucial decision to take. It makes it easier for these patients and their families to know they can avail the best of treatments for all the finance, effort and time they will have to invest if they travel to the country of Thailand.

Author's Profile

Yogesh Verma is an employee of Cox and Kings Global Services. He has researched extensively on the benefits of gettinga Medical Visa for Thailand. Along with his research, he is well versed with the various medical procedures that available in the country and wants to ensure that patients as well as their families who are travelling here for medical treatments are well aware of it before they travel to Thailand.

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