Multi-Level Marketing Life Schools

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    Nov 22, 2012
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One of the questions we often hear is “MLM Are they scams?” In this article, we will attempt to answer the question and identify the characteristics of a legitimate MLM.

My spouse and I have a lot of experience in multi-level marketing for all kinds of products from phone services, travel, e-commerce, food, vitamins, and household products. We joined many MLM companies over the last 30 years and have gain and lost money.

We learned what to look for in a MLM company. We also learned a lot with the legitimate companies that offered exhaustive training only available in this type of marketing. The most successful MLM teams become communities where members help each other reach their goals. The community effect is tremendously important in becoming successful in MLM and lack of participation will cause the member to barely survive in the system and eventually quit.

What to look for in MLM opportunities:

Who are the leaders – When you initially get invited to an MLM opportunity, get information about the leaders. If your sponsor does not know, talk to his/her sponsor and so on until you get information about the leaders and the history of the company. Be cautious of new companies.

What are the products – Verify how the team presents the products. Is this the most incredible invention since sliced bread? If so, again be cautious.

Incentive program – It is important to understand the initial levels of the incentive program. Is the program based on building a network, selling the product or both? Are you willing to learn and perform the required activities?

Training program – This is the most important aspect. MLM is people oriented and the training program needs to cover all aspects of working effectively with lots of people. It must also include lessons on finance, time and goal management. Of course, you will need to learn about the product and become a specialist.

MLM Are they scams? Many are scams or are managed in a terrible manner. Some are really great opportunities. MLM is a life school. When you are successful in MLM and build a large community, you have the ability to work with lots of people and you build yourself in the process. With the lessons learned, you can then tackle successfully any kind of business. 

Author's Profile

Virginia Montgomery is a stay at home mom who enjoys writing articles for Interesting Articles.

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