Three Keys to Becoming a TEFL Teacher

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    Nov 20, 2013
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Three Keys to Becoming a TEFL Teacher Photo by Rhyan O'sullivan

When students come to Scotland to take TEFL courses in Edinburgh, they are traveling on a physical and as well as a mental journey. Moving from another city or even nation is a change to start, which helps them appreciate the challenges their future students might have. But there is a lot that goes into teaching people who speak a different language. By focusing on a few concepts, their experience will go well and they will come out of training with tremendous knowledge about teaching as well as a great attitude for the craft. Each prospective teacher must absorb maximum knowledge from the instructors, avoid shortcuts, and don’t let themselves burn out.

The instructors for TEFL courses in Edinburgh are experienced teachers who all have experience in the field. They can give students lessons and stories based on practical experience teaching in schools from Portugal to Pakistan. Many components of teaching can be difficult to absorb immediately after reading about it. These include lesson planning, dealing with difficult students, adapting to unusual situations, and leveling students. Instructors can give students real scenarios to illustrate the points that seem abstract on the pages of a textbook. Students should definitely soak up every bit of advice the instructors have to offer. That will lead them toward a higher level of competence.

There are no shortcuts in teaching, especially when there is a language barrier. Students taking TEFL courses in Edinburgh should learn the way they will have to teach, which means they should be diligent. This means the level of detail in lesson planning, creating unique ways of explaining the rules of grammar, and painstaking effort to generate appropriate vocabulary lists. If an instructor doesn’t do his job, the students don’t learn. So while in the TEFL program, students should do their utmost to prepare for the difficult and rewarding work of teaching.

The work people undergo to complete TEFL courses in Edinburgh is difficult, so they should unwind on occasion and enjoy what the city has to offer. Physical adventures are a great way to do this, such as a weekend camping trip in Queen Elizabeth Forest Park or an afternoon geocaching in the Pentland Hills. Students might enjoy soaking in the history of the area by taking guided tours of Edinburgh or Craigmillar Castles. The restaurants and pubs of Edinburgh are also great places to relax on a daily basis.

If TEFL students soak up the knowledge of their instructors, avoid taking shortcuts in the course, and still find time to relax, they will be on the road to success.

Author's Profile

Robin Smith is offering intensive TEFL Courses in Edinburgh is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course.

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