Tips for buying best Mens Watches

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    Sep 20, 2013
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Tips for buying best Mens Watches Photo by Jasson C

For men, the watch is perhaps one of the most important of accessories he wears. It not only displays the time enabling him to arrive at his destination on time or complete a task within the time allotted, it is a fashion statement and status symbol all rolled into one. So if you are planning on buying a watch, as a member of the male gender myself, here are 9 tips for buying the best men's watches:

1. If looks matter little and reasonably time matters more, most cheap watches will fit the criteria. These watches are available for under $10.

2. If good looks are vital then you have to decide between classic and modern looks. The younger men would prefer the modern look watch. The more senior veer towards the classical designs. Most watch manufacturers today offer both - modern and classical designs.

3. Technically oriented middle aged men tend to like the modern hunky-chunky watches that come armed with enough features to do everything but make him an omelette.

4. Half the software wiz will wear a hi-tech digital watch to work and a gold plated or platinum watch to play. The other half will opt for glitzy and chunky chromos or even diving watches - never mind that they have never dived into anything deeper than a swimming pool.

5. A lot of men out there are pretty shrewd. To them the best men's watch is represented by something that has style and accuracy. If you fall in this group or are looking to gift a watch to someone from this group, the best tip I can give you is to choose from the platinum range of watches manufactured by Casio.

6. If you are seriously wealthy or are gifting a watch to a seriously wealthy person, then my tip for buying best men's Watches is to head for the nearest Rolex outlet. Nothing beats the Rolex in terms of style, fashion and accuracy. If caught in a tough spot, a Rolex will still command an amazing resale price.

7. My 7th tip to buying best men's watch is to buy the watch online. An online watch retailer usually carries the entire range of watches and that too, the entire range from several different watch manufacturers. Very few brick-and-mortar watch shops are able to do this. The advantage is that you have more options when buying online. But always buy from a reputed online dealer. After all, the crooks are getting smarter and it is difficult to tell a fake from the real. Also, due to lower overheads, an online watch retailer is able to offer the watches at prices that are far below those offered by the neighbourhood brick-and-mortar store.

8. Always select a watch that at least has a large date display. It is quite embarrassing to visit some office and not be sure of the date - especially after a long vacation. The date display of the watch should be large enough to be seen clearly without having to squint at it.

9. My 9th and final tip to buying the seiko watches is opting for leather strap if the person who is to wear it is slim. This also applies to senior folks - they tend to prefer elegant leather straps.

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