Raves and Rants of the iPhone 5

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    Nov 22, 2012
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Apple is calling its new iPhone 5 the, “thinnest, lightest, fastest iPhone ever.” That’s likely the reason this smart phone has dominated controversy and conversation the last few weeks, since its release date. Simultaneously released with a sixth update to iOS, the new iPhone has been met with incredible hype and some slight disappointment. It’s pulled in some major focus, even overshadowing the release of the iPad Mini. With so many new features, it’s easy to see why this latest iPhone is so popular, and yet so highly criticized.

Apple’s iOS 6 has brought with it a new maps program. The new Apple Maps has been under fire since its release. Users claim the service is nowhere near as sophisticated as that of Google maps. Apple simply doesn’t have the feedback Google has received over the years. Therefore their service is lacking specific information about different areas. The silver lining may be a rumor that’s been floating around the web. It seems Google will be releasing a Maps app for iOS 6.

With Apple products coming under such quick criticism, the media started to take notice of these complainers. These problems were quickly nicknamed, “first-world problems.” Late night sketch comedy program, Saturday Night Live took aim at iPhone 5 complainers, by acting as Chinese factory workers. As guests on the faux talk show complained about the new phone, the workers played violins and mocked them. The silly sketch certainly put things in perspective for some.

Most reviewers can agree that the design of the iPhone is something to rave about. Unlike the Apple maps program, the design has been met with widespread compliment. It weighs just 3.95 ounces and is only 7.6 mm thick. The screen size is immense and perfect for watching videos and surfing the web. Only the design couldn’t be perfect. The new Lighting Port has come under fire, simply because it means purchasing new cords or an adapter.

Most iPhone 5 users can agree that the extended battery life is an improvement. The phone boasts, “up to 10 hours,” of video playback on a full charge. This is the same as its predecessor iPhone 4, only testing has yielded better results. Many reviews claim the iPhone 5 battery is actually better than that of the iPhone 4.

When it comes to new electronics, none is more popular than the latest Apple product. These products often come under fire very quickly, but are still met with incredible sales. The iPhone line has always been very popular and the newest addition has met with the very same. It seems this trend of super-analyzing Apple products isn't going anywhere, but that’s fine, as these reviews often help consumers make the best possible purchase. 

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