Struggling as a Lawyer? 5 Tips for Landing the Perfect Legal Job!

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    Jan 21, 2013
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In the current economy, finding the ideal job for many lawyers has become as difficult as law school itself, especially since the law industry is remarkably competitive. Here are 5 tips to help you stand out and land your dream job in the legal field.

•    Networking: This is the most crucial step to landing the perfect job. While knowledge and talent in your field is important, knowing the right people and building a good relationship with them is equally critical and can turn out to be quite useful. Meeting well established lawyers in a relaxed, non interview setting will not only help them get to know you better but will also enable you to show your intellect and skills without getting nervous, as can be the case during interviews. Becoming a member of an industry professional association and attending their local mixers on a regular basis is also important in helping you build a large network.

•    Work on your Resume: When applying for a job, many people tend to send the same resume to different companies without making any changes in it. However, it is advisable to tailor your resume to the job requirement and especially highlight those skills or activities in it that would satisfy the job description. You can also hire a professional service to help you build your CV into one that will get you noticed instantly. Remember, your resume is technically the first impression for a potential employer and that can make or break your career!

•    Research and Apply Online: Being aware of as many job opportunities as possible is essential to finding the right job.  Nowadays, most companies post their job vacancies and requirements online. Not only would it be beneficial for you to set up accounts on various job portals and post your CV there, but you should also try to email it individually to organizations of your interest. Following up on these emails and checking the job portals often is equally important, else you might miss out on a good job opportunity.

•    Start Blogging: If you are interested in a particular area of law and wish to increase your visibility amongst recruiters, start writing about it or contribute to existing blogs. This way, not only will you gain further knowledge in that area but, if you blog consistently and write well, you can net in several readers, hence helping you build your network further. It will also look impressive on your cover letter as it shows your interest and conviction to work in that area.

•    Don't Stop Learning: If you are struggling with landing the right job for a long time, then it might help to increase your skill set. With the current state of the economy and the competitive job market, one can't rest on their laurels alone. Taking an internship or working at law firms for temporary projects might seem demeaning at first, but they will add to your work experience and strengthen your resume further. Also, if you work well and impress the law firm you intern at, then there is a higher possibility of you getting hired there.

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KL Recruitment is a specialist legal recruitment agency that specializes in recruiting legal administration, legal secretaries and other support staff.For more details visit their website.

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