All You Need To Know About Immigration To UK From India

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    Jun 11, 2013
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All You Need To Know About Immigration To UK From India Photo by Diva Immigration

In today’s era of globalization, the boundaries of nation have been reduced to mere geographical lines on the maps. The barriers posed by these geographical boundaries have been transcended and the world is rapidly moving towards becoming a global village. As such, the arena of opportunities available to a person sitting in one country is no longer limited by national borders. People are rapidly immigrating from one country to another in the hopeful search for better education and job prospects, due to personal reasons, or merely out of love for another country’s way of life.

Immigration to UK from India has seen a huge rise in the recent years, because the Great Britain provides excellent education and job potential and has a well-settled Indian community. However, this process is anything but easy. The regimes and rules for immigration to UK from India are rigid and tougher than all others in the world. There are various categories of immigrants and a different set of rules apply to each of them.

A tourist or visitor visa lasts for 6 months. People who migrate to the UK for their studies can fit in any of the categories – Tier 4 (those who come for long-term education), Student or Child Visitor (those who come for a short course), and Prospective Student (those who want to make arrangements for their stay). People to migrate to pursue job offers can fit in the categories of High Value Migrants, Skilled or Temporary Workers, etc. based on UK’s point system. There are also people who come as Partners and Families of people who are already in the UK. Other kinds of people go for immigration to UK from India are diplomats, government officials, sports personalities, and so on.

Another common destination of Indian global aspirations is Canada. Immigration to Canada from India is relatively simpler. There are various immigration programs offered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), out of which you need to choose which works best for you and your needs.

The available categories include Skilled Workers and Professionals - for people who meet certain work and education criteria and are looking to settle in Canada, Skilled Trades – for people who wish to become permanent residents based on their qualification for a skilled trade, Business Immigration for those who wish to set up a business in Canada, and various other categories for students, tourists, partners, and other types of visitors. Immigration to Canada from India is based on points calculator which determines whether or not you are eligible for a particular program.

Although they appear complex, these immigration procedures can be clearly understood from the visa websites and the official websites on the internet and can help you give wings to your dreams!

Author's Profile

The author is an associate editor of Diva Immigration Services and feels free to share migrating experience among others. Also provides you all the information about Immigration to UK From India & Immigration to Canada from India.

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