Using a Denver Tax Attorney is the Savvy Way to Battle the IRS

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    Dec 14, 2013
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Using a Denver Tax Attorney is the Savvy Way to Battle the IRS Photo by Perry Palmer

When it comes to both individual and business taxes, the IRS is often black and white and has a lot of power. The IRS can put a lien on all of your assets and has the legal right to collect taxes from the sale of all of your assets. The lien can be placed on your business, you or your spouse. It also can include just about anything you own, including seizure of accounts receivable. In addition, liens placed by the IRS show up on credit reports and can prevent you from taking out loans and opening a checking account. Tax levies are another way for the IRS to collect owed taxes. The IRS can seize boats, cars, stocks, Social Security checks and money in checking accounts. They can even use a garnishment to get your paycheck.

If you're a Denver resident and are having problems paying your taxes, you can try to settle your tax debt for a fraction of what is owned through the IRS Offer in Compromise Program. According to the IRS Code section 7122, taxpayers can settle with the IRS for tax liabilities that they cannot afford or for tax debt that has been incorrectly determined. The Offer in Compromise Program offers you the opportunity to eliminate owed taxes at a substantial reduction, including interest and penalties. If you're uncertain about doing this on your own, you can use a Denver Tax Lawyer to assist you with the whole process.

A Tax Attorney in Denver can also help you with an IRS tax audit. These audits require the documentation of a lot of records, and you can be sure that the IRS will leave no stone unturned. Each and every item will have to be substantiated as requested by the tax auditor. Trying to handle a tax audit yourself is a time-consuming and tough process. With a tax attorney in Denver handling the details for you, you can relax knowing that you have legal representation looking out for your best interests. You can just forward notification of the audit to your Denver tax lawyer, and he or she will handle everything from beginning to end.

It is not uncommon for taxpayers to dispute a deficiency in income tax. If the IRS thinks that a taxpayer's return understates tax liability, they will charge you extra taxes. To help resolve the dispute, taxpayers can petition the Tax Court or choose to litigate a dispute in the U.S. District Court. Either way, a tax attorney in Denver can choose the right arena for you and provide you with representation to resolve the tax dispute. A tax attorney in Denver can also assist with overpaid taxes. When you overpay in taxes, you can file a Claim for Refund. However, the IRS may fail to act on this refund within a reasonable time or deny the Claim for Refund. Your Denver tax lawyer will help you file a valid claim and file a suit for refund if the claim is denied.


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This article outlines the benefits of using a Denver tax attorney.

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