Kerala Travel The Deep Spiritual Awakening
Kerala, god’s own land, is known for their cuisine, scenic beaches and fascinating performers. But, deep to its core, this tropical land has a sense of spirituality. Discover the depth of their lives and realise that simplicity of local residents is a choice that stems from this inner sense of spirituality. You do not need special tailor made Kerala packages to witness this spiritual commitment in daily lives. You can also plan your South India tour packages well to explore it.
There are several shrines in Kerala. In fact, quite a few Kerala packagesare designed to visit sacred shrines in Kerala. The world’s richest temple stands in Kerala; Padmanabhaswamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram is known for it. But, from a synagogue in Kochi to St. Georges Cathedral in Karingachira, cultural practice of prayers, seeking blessings and chanting are assimilated into daily lives to locals. It is a wonderful experience to visit shrines and experience it. It is a very moving experience in South India tour packages.
Every tradition in Kerala has a deeper meaning and it is a sacred occasions and offering their prayers. Each community in Kerala, be it Muslims, Kerala Syrian Christians, or Namboothiris, has their own culture and traditions. There is no wonder that cultural fabric of kerala is so vibrant with different rituals and practices of these communities. It reflects through way they greet, show respect and celebrate festivals.
Festivals have a deeper spiritual reason for celebrations. Diwali is victory of good over evil, but it is also a celebration of return of Lord Rama to his kingdom after 14 years of exile. There is no wonder that most customs related to these festivals include prayers, chants, aart is and distribution of sweets as deity’s blessings is part of every festival. You will need to plan your Kerala package right to get a chance to witness this grandeur. You may chance upon it if you visit a temple at a right time. Festivals like Onam are the best occasions to plan your South India tour package around.
Kerala packages have special ayurvedic treatments, which offer healing and relaxation. Though, several tourists avail these treatments on their South India tour packages, very few people know that these treatments rise from ancient scriptures of Vedas, which were designed to permeate concepts of moksha or liberation. So, explore how these historic nuances seep get woven into daily routine on your next South India tour package.