Cosmetic Dentistry Pune: A Guide towards Naturally Beautiful Smiles.
With the change in times, people are conscious of their need to look more and more presentable. Dentists have contributed greatly to help people look their best with minimalistic efforts. A simple consult with a cosmetic dentistry doctor would point people in the right direction.
Although a considerably new trend setting itself into India, cosmetic dentistry clinics have steadily increased. This makes for the socioeconomic climate of India absolutely perfect, to avail otherwise expensive procedures.
With clinics competing against each other and cosmetic dentistry doctors working overtime to establish a name for themselves, prices have plummeted. Procedures like bleaching, gum cleaning, filling, root canals, re – shaping, re-sizing and tooth bonding have become quick one or two appointment jobs. Procedures like dental implants, dentures and orthodontics are done only by specialists and only if absolutely necessary. Second opinions are always a smart option to look into.
Most major cities in India have over 100 cosmetic dentistry clinics each, some even exclusively set up for dental tourists. While Mumbai and Delhi have only just lapped up this latest trend, smile designing in Pune is at an all time high.
Records show that over 50 dental clinics have opened up in Pune alone since 2008. Many dental clinics from all over India have placed their branches in Pune. It has become the hub for cosmetic dentistry in India.
Generating over 98% of the cities medical sectors revenue, dentistry in Pune has taken on a new meaning. This precedent has opened up the gates to dental tourists from all over the world. Every year hordes of people from the US, UK and all over Europe choose India as their dental tourist destination, simply because health care in India is a lot cheaper.
Although standard materials and instruments are used, the cost of living, education and labor are considerably cheaper contributing to the price difference. A well planned holiday and a few dental appointments can be comfortably placed within the same budget that one would be required to pay in the west for a simple dental procedure.
Smile designing in Pune is not only a thriving industry but also a challenging one. The need for more clinics and dentists in Pune has not brought down the quality of service, but has had quite the opposite effect. The Indian government has stepped in to place more requirements and rules for all medical personal involved in medical tourism and the FDA has drastically increased its standard of requirements on all products used.