All On 4 Implants Specialists in Chicago Discuss the Shocking Truths About Removable Dentures,PART 2

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    May 15, 2013
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All On 4 Implants Specialists in Chicago Discuss the Shocking Truths About Removable Dentures,PART 2 Photo by Rooden Salle

Welcome back to our four-part article series on the shortcomings and disadvantages of removable full and partial dentures!

In our previous article post, specialists in all on four implants in Chicago began explaining to us some of the shocking truths about removable dentures, which, to those who don’t know, seems like a fairly innocuous and harmless technology. These truths included:

1. Removable dentures do nothing to maintain a healthy jawbone
2. Tend to cause premature aging of one’s natural youthful facial contours
3. Can cause terrible discomfort in the mouth and the development of painful sores

In this article, the second installment of our four-part series, we shall reveal more shocking truths about removable dentures, starting with how they perform as tools for eating…

4. “Removable dentures initially support a bite force that is only 25% as strong as a natural, healthy bite…

… Eventually, as a result of jawbone atrophy and the pain caused by dentures constantly rubbing and pressing against the gums, this bite force becomes reduced by a shocking 97%! A healthy set of jaws and teeth typically bite down with a force of 500lbs/sq. inch. After 15 years or so, a denture wearer can only manage a bite of 6lbs/sq. inch.

“Not surprisingly, most patients who have been wearing dentures for more than 10 years are seldom able to manage anything more than soft, processed and overcooked foods,” explains a Chicago implant dentist. “This altered and highly restrictive diet has a terrible impact upon a patient’s health and is the reason that one of the biggest problems faced by the elderly in the United States is malnutrition!”

Here’s the biggest shocker of all… did you know that wearing removable dentures can shorten your life expectancy by 10 years? This is as a result of the above-mentioned problems in addition to the fact that dentures don’t have a high hygiene maintenance capability.

5. “Dentures are a nuisance to keep clean and tend to harbor food debris and bacteria…”

… Unless you’re exceptionally good about keeping your dentures clean, they do tend to pose a bit of a hygiene problem. Food debris easily gets trapped between the gums and the denture and the denture and the palate, fostering an environment that is perfect for bacterial growth. As a result, it is crucial for denture-wearers to clean their teeth thoroughly after every meal and snack, as well as after any sugary beverage. Bacteria are extremely opportunistic and if dentures aren’t kept immaculately clean, you could risk developing gingivitis and a condition aptly referred to as “denture breath.”

“Keeping dentures clean is in it of itself a huge nuisance,” say All On Four implant specialists in Chicago. “Imagine removing yourself from social situations every time you eat something so that you can go and clean your teeth? Doing this in the sink of a restaurant bathroom would be incredibly embarrassing, so most denture-wearers endure the discomfort of trapped food until they get home. Then there’s the need to remove your dentures at nighttime to soak them and allow your gums to breathe… the list of daily challenges and hassles goes on!”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for Part 3 to read about more shocking denture truths revealed by Chicago implant dentists.

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This four-part article series discusses the shortfalls and disadvantages of removable partial and full dentures as a solution to edentulism (not having any teeth) and near-edentulism.

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