MayDate is Online Dating for a Cause

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    Jan 14, 2013
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Among the usual online dating sites, one website struggled to aim for innovation and hopefully stood out from the rest. This site is called

Gone are the days when online dating was considered taboo – now, online dating is a well-accepted means of socialization implemented by singles worldwide. Because of its acceptance, existing free dating sites have become to be perceived as something too plain and too dull by singles – after all, these free dating sites have been around for quite some time now.

How, then, will online dating be able to be seen as something thrilling and something exciting, once again? Enter MayDate, a website that utilizes the “campaign” approach and cleverly touches the hearts of its users by advocating for “dating for a cause”.  There will be no profile creation in this website – singles simply meet through Facebook with the hope of sparking a connection. The catch here, though, is that your close friends and family can recommend someone to you. Once they recommend someone, they’re essentially giving back to the community because one recommendation is one donation.

It is essentially being orchestrated into a date by your close friends. Naturally, their flagging of the statistical result “40% of Australian relationships met through friends” is a supporting statement that can add conviction to their online dating scheme.

The process is as follow:

Singles sign up to MayDate:

A campaign is then started wherein 3 to 5 close and trusted friends of the single are alerted via email about the single’s eagerness to be set up with his potential lifetime partner.

The single is given the option to choose the friends he trusts – after all, he is basically giving them the opportunity to control his potential romantic relationship. This initial process alone separates MayDate from other online dating free sites all over the Internet. This is definitely kicking it up a notch.
Dollar pledging by singles:

The singles then proceed to pledging a certain dollar amount for every date their friends set them up with during a 30-day period. MayDate has partnered with several organizations such as Camp Quality, Heart Foundation and The Pinnacle Foundation in order to make this into an online dating for a cause proposal.

The simple reason for doing so is because it also emphasizes that as long as the single’s friends are able to set him up on several dates during the 30-day period, more dollars are pledged and therefore, more organizations are helped. It surely is a different way of being able to give back to the community, isn’t it? Help a friend meet his match via online dating and help people substantiate their dreams at the same time.

Online and offline dating:

Just like any other relationship, singles in online dating value communication at the top of their list for connection initialization. They mostly utilize the messaging feature of free dating sites for this action. Once a connection bounds the two singles together, they will then agree to pursue offline dating. Offline dating is what makes or breaks the online dating relationship, obviously, so both singles try to put their best feet forward.

In a nutshell, has a wonderful concept. Granted, the meeting of singles via social networks is already a cliché, but the dating for a cause advocacy is helpful to the organizations partnered with MayDate. It also helps increasing the population of the users since most singles justify signing up and trying online dating to helping the community. Simply, MayDate stands out from the rest of common free dating sites around.

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The article author works for Girls Meet Guys. Drop by their Facebook Page.

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