Degree Programs Offer College Experience

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    Aug 30, 2013
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Degree Programs Offer College Experience Photo by Jason White

For those who may want to attend degree programs but aren't sure that university is for them, there are certain schools that have the privilege of offering four-year bachelor degrees at college level. These offerings ensure you obtain both the practical skills you need to win the job you want and the theoretical background to give you the extensive subject knowledge employers are looking for. In other words, through these four-year programs, you get the best of both worlds.

At Centennial College, students can attend three different degree programs. The first of these is Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Computer and Communication Networks. Because of Ontario's critical need for networking professionals, Centennial College was selected by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to deliver a degree program to address this demand. And how does it stack up against university level programs? Brendan John Coffey, a grad who went on to become an International Master's of Business Admin student in Australia, says, "...not only is the applied degree at Centennial up to par with programs at universities, but I feel we are more well-rounded and better trained than the majority of students in our Master's program. We are better disciplined, have better time-management skills and can handle stressful situations much better than any of our classmates. We have classmates from all over the globe, which offers a true insight to worldwide education standards."

Another degree program at Centennial College is Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Software Systems Design. The only of its kind in the province, the program has a unique focus on system design, a blend of technology and business subjects as well as industry placement. It also provides specialization in mobile application development or service-oriented architecture and cloud computing. Thanks to a joint accreditation from The Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) and the Canadian Council of Technician and Technologies (CCTT), graduates from the program may apply for certified membership to either CIPS or their provincial engineering technology association.

The final of Centennial College's degree programs is unique in that computer program/analyst graduates or software engineering graduates from Centennial or from a similar program from another college may be eligible to obtain this four-year Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences in Software System Design (SSD) in two years. Called Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Bridging to Software Systems Design, it sees grads become software developers, software testers, game programmers, computer programmer, system analysts, business analysts, web application developers, database administrators and applications or software support.

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The author here portrays detailed information of some of the degree programs offered by Centennial College; further elaborating on the various courses.

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