Become a Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic & Gain Practical Field Experience

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    Dec 01, 2012
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When choosing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic courses, there are a few aspects that are important to consider. First and foremost, the amount of hands-on experience you obtain during the course of the program should be noted. That's because many employers are seeking mechanical engineering technicians who have experience. Secondly, the credentials you receive should be considered. Are the credentials respected? Will they help you to obtain a job upon graduation? Lastly, program length should be considered. Does it take a very long time to get into the field or will it launch you into the field quickly?

By attending Centennial College's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering Technician offering, you complete an education that trains you as apprentices in refrigeration and air conditioning trade while obtaining a two-year post secondary engineering technician diploma in the mechanical field. Additionally, the offering takes just two years to complete and allows you to graduate with skills that prepare you to: assemble, install, service and repair industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration and air conditioning systems in homes, shops, factories, office buildings and hospitals.

Those interested in applying for this Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic program are required to have completed an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), GED or equivalent. In addition, they must have completed the English Grade 12 C or U or equivalent, or skills assessment; and Math Grade 11 M, C or U or Grade 12 M, C or U, or equivalent, or skills assessment. Aside from these requirements, please note that applicants my also be asked to submit a questionnaire, resume and references to determine apprenticeship employability.

Because of its split focus of in-school learning and co-op training, students who attend these Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic courses spend eight months of program time on a co-op placement arranged by the college. The hours earned during the co-op placement are counted towards the practical part of apprenticeship training. Time spent in co-op is compensated. However, before they embark on this part of the program, students obtain a thorough grounding in engineering sciences and skills, including machine shop operation, tool design, computer-assisted drafting and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), as used in the industry.

Instructors who teach the air conditioning and refrigeration mechanic courses employ a variety of teaching methods that incorporate industry-current design software and a project approach to leaning that simulates actual workplace assignments. Among the specific air conditioning and refrigeration mechanic courses in which these methods are employed are: Mechanical Drawings and Prints (allows students to become familiarized with both the basic graphic language of mechanical engineering drawings as well as the concepts and features of the AutoCAD computer-assisted-drafting program); Installation of Mechanical Cooling Systems (students learn to identify applicable safe work practices, lifting equipment and material handling equipment used during installations); Electrical and Control Systems (provides students with training resulting in the ability to identify applicable acts, regulations, legislation and codes when working on electrical accessories and components in refrigeration and air conditioning systems); and more.

Author's Profile

Jason provides insight into the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic Courses at Centennial College, which allow students to become employed as Mechanical Engineering Technicians.

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