A Year in the Life of a Giant - Babies Dont Step, They Take Strides

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    Mar 21, 2013
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Baby Clothes
Baby Clothes
Photo by Joe Shlabotnik

When it comes to having a baby, the hard work really kicks in when your little bundle of joy has arrived into the world. You will no doubt be watching out for their first laugh, first tooth and first word, all the while spoiling them with personalised baby clothes and the best cot money can buy.

Keep Your Head Up

Whilst each baby is unique, there are a few milestones where extra information can come in useful. A child’s first year is perhaps the most interesting, with your baby discovering the world around them and your house full of new-born gifts from enamoured friends and relatives. In their first month of life, your new-born will be able to grasp your finger and may start to replicate your facial movements, smiling towards the end of the month. There has never been such a good excuse to make a fool of yourself making silly faces, in a bid to inspire your child. When your new-born reaches three months of age, you may just notice that smile turn into a laugh. By this stage in a baby’s development, their neck muscles become stronger, enabling them to begin holding their head up by themselves. To further aid your child’s development, hold them up so that their feet just about touch the carpet. This will get them used to how it feels to stand up and advance their growing independence even at such a young age. Give it time and they will be tottering around the house in personalised baby clothes, doubtless one of the many personalised new baby gifts that now reside in your home.

Perceptive Playmates

When your new-born reaches six months, you should notice advancement in their perception of the world around them. They will become more attached to you and wary of strangers, responding to your tone of voice more than ever before. Hopefully, your baby may now start pulling themselves up onto their feet, using every available piece of furniture. Now is the time to wean your baby onto solid foods, through the gradual inclusion of liquid foods into his or her diet. As your new-born grows older, their perceptiveness will continue to grow. Do not underestimate their ability to recognise places, peoples and names. Watch this space for their first word, although as every child is different, some may not say their first utterance just yet. As a parent, you can help by talking to your child constantly and repeating significant words all the time. When your child reaches one year old, they are not such a baby anymore. Their memory will have developed by this stage and it is beneficial to invite playmates around, encouraging social interaction. One year may have gone, but there are many more to come.

Purchasing personalised baby clothes is one way to get excited about the imminent arrival of your new-born. Furthermore, knowing what to expect in their first year of life can ease any worries you may have. For more great ideas on what to buy your baby why not take a look at our website.

Author's Profile

Avril James is a frequent contributor for Nappy Head the well-established and fashion conscious baby clothes and quality kids clothing. She has written many articles on childrens fashion and personalised baby gifts.

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