How To Sell Wine Through Storytelling, Sales Points And Public Occasions

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    Nov 07, 2012
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These days a higher quantity of high quality wines are being produced. This makes the possibilities for buyers and retailers far greater. However, it also places more challenge onto buyers of inventories. Retailers focusing on how to sell wine should start by gaining knowledge that allows them to differentiate their target markets and regions.

These days consumers are no longer satisfied with information about only the wines themselves. They want to know more about the region characteristics, along with background information about tourism and cuisine. This gives a vintage far more value in the minds of the customers and personalizes the product for added interest.

Tastings are the task of every sales person. In store tastings should be available several times a week. These are events that require preparation and staff training so that employees know how to recommend brands to clients in accordance with their tastes and pockets. These are greatly enhanced by producers who visit the staff regularly to provide special training. The more interested employees are in their product, the more effectively they make sales.

The background of a wine can give a bottle far more worth and interest in a consumer's eyes. A bottle that's romanticized and personalized is far more attractive to buyers. The sales person should be able to educate clients about the producer's history, the vintage's growth and all interesting asides about it.

Quality in wines is expected by consumers of today. This leaves little room for mistakes on the part of retailer purchases. Every winery is likely to have a couple of scores, so they're not good evidence of quality. All wines need to be evaluated individually according to their own merit.

Fresh ideas need time to be accepted by the market. Retailers therefor need to give their clients time to get used to new ideas before forcing these on their customers. Trying to force consumers to accept new ideas will alienate them in such a way as to reduce sales.

E-commerce is a crucial part of this industry. Retailers need a strong online presence with sites that provide information for every consumer around the globe. There should be clear information, including a phone number and location for those who'd like to buy.

Retailers can't afford not to educate the public about their industry and products. Journalists often make use of Google and those who don't have a strong presence in search results won't benefit from mention in the media. This valuable form of advertising costs nothing, yet gives credibility and competitive advantage. Websites should be simple to use and text should be easy to quote from. Social networks are another crucial medium to use. Every winery should have twitter, Facebook and Google plus presence.

Sales are more efficiently carried out by those with excellent product knowledge. In other industries, sales people only need to know three selling points for each product. In the industry of fine wines, much more is needed. Buyers expect their sales people to know about vintages, wineries and history. Those embarking on an education of how to sell wine need to achieve higher service excellence levels. This is an industry that's far more demanding in this regard.

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When you are wondering how to sell wine, you ought to go to our website for suggestions. See rare wines for sale by clicking on the links at now.

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