Make Your Own Beer with Home Brewing Kits

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    Nov 13, 2012
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There’s nothing like drinking an ice cold beer on a hot summer day or with a great meal. Most major cities all over the world are dotted with bars, pubs and watering holes where men and women gather socially to imbibe on the many different kinds of beer available. After water and tea, beer is the most popular drink in the world, and it also ranks as the number one alcoholic beverage worldwide. It’s not surprising how popular beer is today if one were to look back on its history and origin. Consequently, brewing your own beer is one aspect of the beer craze today that is a quickly growing segment of the "Do It Yourself" industry.

Ever since 1978, home brewing in the USA has gained popularity after legislation against the practice was relaxed by the government in most states. If you want to make your own beer, there is plenty of information in various online resources as to the required steps. With a thorough search, one can easily acquire the basic ingredients for brewing beer. These ingredients are malted barley, hops, water, and yeast. Beer is brewed by converting the starch of the malted barley into sugar. The sugar is then combined with hops for flavor and is fermented finally by the yeast. This process is quite involved, dealing with several boiling stages as well as a fermentation phase which may require two stages.

The easiest way to get started in home brewing is by purchasing a home brewing kit. These kits usually consist of the main ingredients of barley, hops, and yeast, as well as the fermenting barrel as well usually some bottling options. These kits can yield a nice batch of homemade beer in as little as 14 days. Home brewing kits range in price between $40 and $100 depending on extra perks and yields. Like any other hobby, there is quite a variety in of different equipment, recipes, and ingredients available for the home brewing enthusiast to keep him or her occupied and motivated.

There are many free video tutorials regarding home brewing on You Tube.

Author's Profile

Virginia Montgomery is a stay at home mom who enjoys writing articles for Interesting Articles.

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