Author Profile

Suresh Kumawat

Suresh Kumawat

Myself Suresh Kumawat and I am passionate about writing. Working as a content writer for a gemstone jewelry website, I keep writing about jewelry, fashion and latest trends. This keeps me updated about what is in style at any point of time.
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Green Grandeur - The May Birthstone Emerald

Jewelry always makes a mark especially if it is emerald jewelry. Set with one of the most beautiful stones ever they make an indelible impression on the hearts and minds of all.
  • DATED:
    Apr 15, 2014
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Essential Party Styles Inspired From 2014 Oscars

Considering Oscars the sacred day for fashion won’t be wrong. It is the most anticipated event of Hollywood. Here I am mentioning the Oscars 2014 party styles.
  • DATED:
    Apr 10, 2014
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