Having A Pest Free Home with Integrated Pest Management

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    Sep 28, 2013
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Pest Control Training Association
Pest Control Training Association
Photo by pr1001

Have you ever heard of integrated pest management systems (IPM)? Even if you have you may not know exactly what it is and how it can benefit you, your family, and your home. Smart management of all aspects surrounding pest control are what IPM is really about. Many people simply think, “I have a pest problem,” and calling a pest control company will solve the problem just by coming out, spraying everything down with pesticides, taking the money, and then leaving. There is however, much more to controlling pests than laying down chemicals all over the area.  

Integrated pest management will start by setting an action threshold. This is the point where they will decide that pest control action must be implemented. Remember – seeing a single spider or cockroach does not necessarily mean that the entire home is infested.

Also remember that not every single insect poses a threat or will act as a pest. Many are quite beneficial or aren’t even worth worrying about. Monitoring and identifying pests is the next step in IPM so that it is understood which pests are the problem and if there really is an issue to be dealt with.

Keeping pests under control isn’t about killing them off – it’s about keeping them out in the first place. Prevention is key to ensuring that pests don’t get into your home or abundant on your lawn. There are a lot of different methods that can be used, and the right ones for your situation will be explored to seek out the best one.

If the action threshold has been met and all other factors taken into account, then control can go into effect. This still does not mean pesticides will be in rampant use. In fact, all efforts to minimize pesticide use will be enacted. This way you can be and feel much safer in your home. Less risky methods are always used first, and multi-use of pesticides are always a very last resort.

Integrated pest management is a part of what Ransford Environmental Solutions does. It means that you receive the best in pest handling so you don’t have to worry about a multitude of issues. Whether or not the pests will come back; If the products used in your home are safe; How much pesticides are used. When Ransford Pest uses IPM, it’s all business. Our goal is to take care of any pest problem that may be present, all while ensuring that your home remains safe for your family.

If you want the best, then you should contact Ransford Environmental Solutions. We have been in business since 1896, and that has given us plenty of time to perfect our IPM system as well as keep a close eye on advancing technologies and smarter ways to keep pests from entering your home and methodologies on keeping them under control.

Contact us to learn more and receive a free estimate for your home. We want to help you feel comfortable in your home and will use our integrated pest management to do so.

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Article Source: Ransford Pest

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