Would You Dine At A Restaurant In The Dark?

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    Aug 13, 2014
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Would You Dine At A Restaurant In The Dark? Photo by Cheyenne Wright

Let there be light or maybe not. At quite a few restaurants around the world, customers jump at a chance to eat in the dark. Would you try it? No need to take your mobile phones and even digital watches with you, because these are left outside usually in a locker.

The guests are advised to arrive 15 minutes before mealtime so they can enjoy a cocktail and understand the proposed dining concept with a full explanation of the ordering process. They will talk to you about any food allergies, dietary restrictions or extreme dislikes.

You are then physically guided to your seat. At the Dans le Noir you have the choice between four different surprise menus:

  • White: Chef Surprise - exotic and unusual
  • Blue: Fish and seafood menu
  • Red: Meat menu
  • Green: Vegetarian menu

You are then served by visually impaired staff in some cases. The main idea behind this is to raise awareness about blindness and turn the tables on society's attitudes toawrds disability. Fully sighted visitors must put all their faith in the staff, who are seen as disadvantaged in the outside world, but have the upper hand here by knowing their way around every inch of the restaurant. Pretty interesting right?

The food is said to be what most persons eat everyday. Separate dishes are created nightly solely for dine-in-the-dark guests. You are on your own to taste, smell, even feel your food- and figure out what you are eating and drinking.

At the end of the dinner, you are taken out by your guide. Coffee and tea are then served in the lit bar. You are then givven a menu with the food and wine you just tasted. The menu has illustrations of pictures in order for you to compare it with your own opinions. When you are through, you are allowed to then take your belongings from the lockers and leave.

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