3 Criteria To Select Conference Transcription Service

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    Sep 19, 2014
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3 Criteria To Select Conference Transcription Service Photo by Sushil Tibrewala

There are several conference transcription services available in market today. Some are locally listed on yellow pages while others have client-login based websites and excellent online transcription services. So with ever growing puzzle of services, here is a smart way to choose the one that matches your needs efficiently. You should stop looking at websites and listings randomly and prioritize your choices based on tangle and usable criteria such as:

Accuracy & quality:

With every kind of conference, there are different kinds of challenges. Some have multiple speakers on a stage for an event while others have a strong response from the several members in the audience. But, almost all conferences have Q & A sessions, which are most important form of audience feedback. But, they can be challenging to transcribe too. So, smart choice is to choose a tried and tested transcription services, which have proven record for conference transcription. It does not mean that you have to choose a specialist. A general service also can do a fabulous job if they have a trained staff to handle conference transcription. Therefore, here is how you identify if the company can offer the needful deliverables.

• Use free trials well.
• Ask how long they have been operational.
• Ensure number of quality checks they perform for each document.

Turnaround time:

This can be a very crucial point for two reasons. Firstly, if you organize conferences and meetings frequently, you will need accurate minutes of these conferences very quickly. So, you will need a transcription service capable of meeting your requirement. Most services deliver a transcribed document within 24 hours. If you need sooner, you will need more customised package.   Alternatively, if you are organizing conferences periodically, you won’t have urgent requirement and you can use it to your advantage to get a better offer from potential vendors.  Though, you need conference transcription services that can deliver a document in less than 24 hours when you need to. 


There are several organizations that have a predisposition to how they will receive the audio or video recording and what format they will deliver a document in. Though, there is certain flexibility involved, you need conference transcription service that is flexible enough to meet your requirements. At times, this kind of detail is discovered over a period of time. But, it is best if you are upfront about potential variables you may need than to discover it in midst of real clinch.   

So, the smart way to select transcription service will be to ensure that offer the accurate transcriptions in budget and turnaround time you want. Focus on results you expect and it will be very easy to select right transcription service.

Author's Profile

Sushil Tibrewala, a practicing Gastroenterologist in Illinois, USA, since 1992, is the owner of Excel Transcriptions, Inc – online Transcription services. With his understanding of the transcription needs, Excel Transcriptions offers conference transcription, business transcriptions and other services to clients worldwide.

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