Legal Sportsbooks Advantage by

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    Jan 01, 2013
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Although you should perform your own due diligence in finding a legal online sportsbook that is both reputable and customer service oriented, Best Sports Gambling Site Reviews have taken much of the leg work out by selecting the best legal sportsbbooks in the industry. 

Is your sportsbook open when you need them? Your private sportsbook is probably open 2-4 hours per day. Offshore sportsbooks are usually open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. They are not worried about getting their doors locked like the local private sportsbooks. This is not a problem for a legal offshore sportsbook. If you get on a roll with the early games of the day you can go for a big score. You can.t do that if your private bookie is closed.

Will your sportsbook always pay you promptly when you win? Legal offshore sportsbooks are large, financially solid companies. The local private sportsbooks gets into trouble because some of the customers don't pay up, or because of a short bankroll, or because they get busted by the local authorities.

Does your private sportsbook pay you bonuses? Most legal offshore sportsbooks pay you bonuses when you sign up the first time, and some even when you re-deposit funds. Private sportsbooks don't pay bonuses.

Does your local sportsbook offer gambler's insurance? Some legal offshore sportsbooks pay back a percentage of any money you may lose over the year. Private sportsbooks don't do that.

Do you ever have disputes with your local sportsbook over bets? Private sportsbooks don't use computers or  record bets. The legal sportsbooks use the latest computer technology for the accuracy of bet taking. They just play you back a recording of your bet.

Has credit betting with your private sportsbook ever caused you a financial problem? Legal offshore sportsbooks don't offer credit. You can only lose what you have on deposit with them. 

Does your local sportsbook permit you to bet on the internet? Only legal offshore sportsbooks offer you the option of using the internet to place a bet. The speed at which wagers are processed, final results posted, and the accuracy of bet taking are the vital ingredients in the legal sportsbook of your choice.

Does your private sportsbook ever shut you out of a game because his line or lines are busy? Legal offshore sportsbooks generally have hundreds of lines and employees available at game time to take your wagers, so that this never happens. Local sportsbooks generally only have one or two lines available, and get overloaded at crunch time.

Are you someone who likes to place big bets when you're on a good run? Most private sportsbooks, because of their limited financial resources, only accept moderate size wagers. Even if they do take big bets, the chances they have a big enough payroll to pay you may be limited.  Legal offshore sportsbooks offer high limit play, and will definitely pay you when you win.

Do you like to bet a wide variety of sports and propositions? Virtually all local sportsbooks only offer a limited menu of sports and propositions and the odds are in their favor. Legal offshore sportsbooks offer a tremendous selection of betting options at fair odds. They can take half-time lines or quarter lines on sports games. You can bet on elections, TV reality shows, unusual sporting events and other exotic wagers.

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About the Author Best Sports Gambling Site Reviews is recognized as the authority on offshore sports gambling having served the betting community since 2003. Please consider this article for publication in your newsletter or on your website. Permission is granted to reprint for free with resource box and byline intact.

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