Mobile Line Boring Will Save You Money
Whenever something goes wrong with the machinery or equipment on a construction site of any kind it costs money. Down time due to a machine not working means that orders cannot be fulfilled on time or other work cannot go ahead. This is costly, but the cost of getting the machine fixed or a new piece made must be added to it. And part of the cost is removing the machine or part to a workshop or company that specializes in its repair. This cost can be mitigated to some extent if the repair work such as mobile line boring can be done onsite.
The best way to save money is to work with a company that offers mobile service wherever possible and will come to the site to check it out if you are not sure that it can be done on site. Then if it cannot, they will be able to take the piece to their workshop and fix it there. Parts often break, but when they are repaired properly they will last for many more years. This too, is a way to save on the cost. Rather than buying a new part, having the old one repaired is often a viable option, especially if the rest of the item is still in good repair.
Having the work done onsite will not only save the cost of transport; it also saves the time spent in transporting the machinery to the workshop. This is a big consideration when the work site is hundreds of kilometres from a city or town and the road is not sealed.
Many people just don’t realise how long it takes to travel from the repair shop to the work site when they have lived and worked in the city all their lives. In fact, it can take several days, depending on the weather conditions. So on site machining is something that is favoured and should be considered whenever possible.
Certainly, the trained engineer or mechanic has to travel out to the work site, but that is only one trip and when the work is done, the machinery is ready to go. Besides, a repair person can often fly in, while a heavy machine would need to be trucked out and back, a much longer – and costlier -process.
Line boring cannot always be done on site of course, but if it can, then that is the way to go. Not everyone can do line boring; you need to get specialists onto the job. Part of the time factor is in dismantling the machinery to get the piece out that needs boring – or reboring. But to have it done onsite is a big save in time.