Florist Supplies

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    Jan 05, 2013
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Floristry is an artform which is used to create stunning floral displays of all shapes and sizes. Whether you own a floristry store, or you are just interested in making your own floral bouquet, you will need to purchase some florist supplies to get you started. This article takes a look at some of the most common types of floral supplies, what their benefits are, and where you can purchase them from.

Florist Tools

There are a number of florist tools available that will make it easier for you to create displays and arrangements. Secateurs are used to cut thicker flower stems, while floral scissors can be used to trim flowers or cut thinner stems. Florist wire cutters can be used to easily cut through artificial flower stems. Small magnets are useful for when creating corsages.

Florist Foam

Florist foam, also known as oasis, is a type of material that is designed to hold flowers in place. This type of foam is essential if you are wanting to create beautiful wreaths, bouquets and floral displays. Floral foam is available in a huge range of shapes and sizes, the most common being in a brick shape, which is used create table displays. There are also more elaborate displays available, including heart shapes, letter shapes, cross shapes, and wreaths. You can also cut oasis to any shape or size that you require.


Water vials are an essential part of any florists kit. They will help to keep individual flowers hydrated, and prolong their life. Water vials are available in a huge range of sizes. Vials with a pointed end can be inserted into an oasis to keep the individual flowers in place and hydrated.

Wire and Tape

Wire and tape is used to keep certain types of floral arrangements in place. Floratape is popular for use on the stems of artificial flowers to keep them looking natural. Floral wire is usually aluminium or copper coated, and it comes in a variety of different colors. Cellotape is used to seal together a bouquet wrapper. Ribbon can then be used over the cellotape to create a more attractive finished piece.

Display Stands

Display stands are useful for when you want to sell your floral arrangements. They can be used in store, on market stalls, or at craft fairs. Most displays are floor mounted, and they are designed to hold a number of different arrangements. Spinner display stands will allow your customers to view a variety of arrangements simply by spinning the stand.

You can purchase florist supplies from some large florists or from arts and craft stores. You can also search online for specialist retailers. Simply open up your favourite search engine and type in 'florist supplies', along with the town or city that you live in. You can then browse through the top results until you find a company that sells what you need. Always use a reputable and trusted company to ensure that you are purchasing high quality florist supplies that are made to last.

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These are some floral accessories and supplies that every good florist should use. A good store dealing in such supplies will surely offer all useful accessories. Check this site out to find out more.

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