Beware Ticks are Here For Good

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    Mar 27, 2014
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Photo by John Tann

It is common knowledge that ticks are a particularly nasty pest. They make their homes almost everywhere, regardless of climate. People used to think that they were only a problem in the warmer weather however ticks can present just as big a problem in the cold winter months, as well. And like so many other nasty pests, ticks seem to be present year round, ready to do whatever it takes to create problems.

As you probably already know, ticks are carriers of the dreaded Lyme disease, which can be a problem for both pets and the people who love them. Ticks latch onto a host by biting into the skin. Then, they stay attached, draining the blood of the host while creating discomfort and further potential problems. And once they’ve taken a bite, they’re not easy to get rid of.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of ticks on your property. With just a few simple steps, your property and home could be completely tick free.

Start by keeping things nice and clean. Like most other pests, ticks are not as likely to be present in a clean environment. There simply aren’t as many places to hide. First and foremost, it is important to keep your lawn short. Regular mowing will keep your grass in check, which will give this pest one less hiding place. Along with mowing, taking time to trim back overgrowth, remove weeds, and prune back shrubbery reduces tick infestation.

Removal of litter from the yard is also a necessary step to take in the world of tick pest control. Any leaves on the ground should be cleaned up immediately, as should any random trash that has made its way onto the yard. By keeping your yard clear of trash, dried leaves, and other unnecessary elements, you are also further getting rid of places for ticks to hide.

In areas of the yard where grass is not present and dirt is exposed, ticks are likely to find a place to stay. Therefore, it is important to minimize the areas of a yard where dirt is exposed. Cover open areas of dirt with wood chips or gravel. Not only will this minimize the chance of ticks, it will also help to avoid dirt being spread.

If you have wood cut for your fireplace, it is important to always think about proper storage. Ticks are likely to be found in wood. If possible, store wood in a shed or garage, where it will not be outside. This will help keep the wood out of reach of ticks. Neat stacking techniques can help as well. And lastly, if rodents come onto your property, call Slug-A-Bug pest control specialists immediately. Rodents carry ticks, too, and removing them from your property can help to eliminate the danger.

Worried about ticks? Your best bet is not only to take these simple steps, but also to contact a Brevard County pest control professional for help.

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Article Source: Slug-A-Bug

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