The Curious Curse of Aaron Ramsey

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    Apr 18, 2013
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The Curious Curse of Aaron Ramsey Photo by Ram Kausik

Rumor has it that footballer extraordinaire Pele once gave away his lucky shirt to an excited fan. But as soon as the shirt left him, so did his form. There was a considerable dip in the statistics and Pele choked it up to losing his shirt. In a desperate attempt to get back his luck, he sent is friend on a mission to track down the fan and retrieve the shirt. And the friend was successful and so was Pele, almost immediately after getting back what should not have left him in the first place. This is just one of the many examples of how superstition and football players go hand in hand. From kissing Fabien Barthez's head before playing to taking a leaky on the pitch, every deviation of Obsessive compulsive behavior has been exhibited to ensure that the game is won. While most football superstitions revolve around the end result of a game, one particular superstition revolves around the end of the lifespan of a person. It sounds absolutely impossible yet it has been proven to be true.

Welsh football player and Arsenal midfielder, Aaron Ramsey has what might be the worst reputation anyone could possibly have. It follows him around like a plague. In fact it has been somberly named ‘Aaron Ramsey’s curse’. The stipulation of the curse is that anytime he scores a goal, a famous personality dies. It might have started as a strange coincidence but soon it has evolved into a sure shot.

The strange macabre list of coincidences started in November 2009 when rapper Derek B died of a heart attack the day after Aaron Ramsey scored. A month later, he scored again only to have musician Rowland Howard pass away. The same month, another celebrity- Jack Rose passed away after he had scored a goal. It was a happy day for Ramsey when he scored the only goal in a match against Manchester United, but Osama Bin Laden paid dearly for it when he was shot dead by the US Navy. When he scored in a game against Tottenham Hotspurs, little did Ramsey think that Steve Jobs would lose the battle with pancreatic cancer a few days later. Colonel Gaddafi met with his demise on 20th of October 2011, a day after Ramsey scored against Marseille. The most tragic loss of Aaron Ramsey profile was when pop sensation Whitney Houston passed away, a mere twelve hours after he secured a goal over Sunderland.

Coincidence or curse- it is up for you to decide.

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For more information about Aaron Ramsey, Aaron Ramsey profile and Arsenal. Please visit the official website.

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