Effects of Lack of Exercise in Dogs

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    Sep 13, 2013
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Effects of Lack of Exercise in Dogs Photo by Raquel Cervera

Have you noticed that for many years now there has been an increase in the importance given to exercise in humans because of the effects lack of it have in health? Of course, the benefits have been known forever, but the trying to create a deep understanding of the consequences of not exercising is really being emphasized more and  more lately.

Well, we always have to remember that when we talk about humans we are talking about living creatures, right? Are dogs any different from us in that sense? Certainly not.

When a person who does not suffer from any illness, age limitation or physical condition which does not allow him to exercise decides to become a couch potato, I believe he does not love himself enough. Truly, he has decided to become his worst enemy as far as health is concerned. The effects are disastrous.
Why should we then condemn a perfectly healthy, young dog to become the same just because its owner has?

Dogs need exercise. Not all dogs require the same amount of it or the time dedicated to exercising, but the exercise has to be present in their lives. Of course the main reason is to help the body with maintaining proper weight, energy and muscle development. We all know that. But there are other very important reasons that have to be kept in mind when thinking about exercise regarding our dogs.

Without going into topics that only veterinarians can explain clearly, I do know that exercise produces in dogs the same secretion of certain hormones as in humans like endorphins, for example, which are known to have the effect of a feeling of wellbeing. Right there we have a direct benefit of exercising our dogs.

A dog that stays inside all the time develops boredom and that can produce other direct and not very pleasant results. Think, for example, of a bored child or adolescent at home. Are their behaviors the ones we want, or do we have to be on the watch all the time trying to figure out what they will do next? Dogs are not necessarily different. When bored, the dog will start trying to do things to keep him busy and entertained, and that may mean the development of destructive behavior, aggression, fear, over excitement, constant need for attention, etc.

Mental stimulation is something we all need. Dogs have to be mentally stimulated by participating in outdoor walks or activities because that provides them with the time and space to interact with nature, with other animals and other human beings. That is why you can see a dog that has been accustomed to walk with her owner every day getting all excited when she knows it is time to go and enjoy that fantastic experience.

Another direct benefit of that walk or exercise in your dog is socialization. A dog which is not used to being around other animals or people besides its owner can have problems when having to face these and the reactions can be unpredictable.

Finally, a dog that has the correct type and time of exercise will become a much easier dog to train simply because exercise helps the dog to focus better and that, of course, is an imperative requirement when we are trying to train a dog.

If a person is considering adopting or buying a dog, it is truly necessary he or she remember that the exercise, and not just the mere presence of the dog at home, has to be included in his or her decision if they want to have a healthy and enjoyable pet companion.

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The author is running a site and a blog related to dog training,grooming and dog care. For more information about dog training and dog care, pay them a visit.

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