All-On-4 Dentures Specialists in Chicago Talks About the All-On-4 Procedure

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    Jun 20, 2013
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All-On-4 Dentures Specialists in Chicago Talks About the All-On-4 Procedure Photo by Rooden Salle

Welcome to the first installment of this four-part article series. We will be taking an in-depth look at the All On Four procedure, as well as covering various oral health related topics along the way. Maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene at home is always the first step in ensuring that your teeth remain healthy, but regular visits with your dentist are also fundamental, as only a qualified and experienced dental healthcare professional will be able to accurately assess (and maintain) your oral health.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 85.58% of adults in the United States present with caries, missing or filled permanent teeth. This statistic is a reflection of the large number of people who experience oral ailments that can actually lead to tooth loss. Periodontal disease, for instance, is a highly common condition and the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Luckily there is a permanent solution to missing teeth in the form of All-on-Four dentures in Chicago. 

What is the All on Four Procedure?

The “All On Four” is a revolutionary procedure that was engineered by world-renowned oral surgeon, Dr. Paulo Malo. In the early 1990’s, he created a technique that would become one of the most important breakthroughs in modern dentistry. Today, this protocol has literally improved the quality of life of thousands of people who were previously suffering from a failing dentition or edentulism.

The All on Four procedure entails using four titanium screw dental implants, which supply the structural platform for your new permanent teeth. A Chicago dental implant specialist explains that the All on Four dental implant technique consists of a custom-made non-removable prosthetic dental bridge, which will be virtually identical in function, feel and look to natural healthy teeth!

How Does the All on Four work?

Your All on Four dentures in Chicago can be performed in as little as one dental appointment! Traditional techniques require far more than four dental implants to re-create your full smile, and can usually only be performed after bone grafting has taken place, which typically takes between three and nine months to heal properly before implant placement can occur. This process can be long, frustrating and painful. Luckily, the All on Four technique requires far less effort, time and money. During your implant placement appointment:

• Two implants will be inserted in the front of your jaw,

• Another two will be placed at an angle at the back of the jaw.

Through the use of modern technology in the form of computer imaging software, your oral surgeon will be able to complete your surgery with as few incisions and sutures as possible, meaning that your surgery will be minimally invasive and your recovery period shortened. Once the implants have been fitted, your dentist will fit your customized prosthetic dental bridge/s on the same day, allowing you to leave with a new set of beautiful, 100% functional and natural feeling teeth!

Signing Off

There really is no better solution for patients presenting with edentulism (complete tooth loss) than the incredible All on Four technique. Join us for the second installment of this four-part article series in which we will be discussing the various benefits and advantages that come with the impressive All on four Dentures in Chicago.

Author's Profile

Rooden Salle is a passionate writer and online journalist who enjoys working with dentists, oral surgeons and prosthodontists to learn about the All On Four Dentures in Chicago. In doing so, he is able to convey cutting-edge industry news and information to an international web-wide audience regarding the Chicago Dental Implant.

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