Different Ozone Products

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    Sep 07, 2013
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The International Ozonator
The International Ozonator
Photo by Ephemeral Scraps

In a world that is less than ideal due to heavy pollution that causes severe allergies, life-threatening illnesses like asthma and a whole host of other problems, an ozone generator – often called an ozonator - may well be the way to go. Ozone generators can take pollution out of the atmosphere in the home, office or industrial workplaces.

Ozone generators can kill mould spores that form in your cupboards and cause all your leather shoes and belts to develop that fine white film. Such mould left on the items will eventually ruin them and spread to other areas. Certain moulds can actually be toxic to humans.

However, even if you have no mould in your home, you might like to put ozone generator to work to prevent cooking smells from penetrating the whole house. Placed in the kitchen it can help to sanitize cooking and preparation areas. An ozonator will also get rid of other odours in the home such as those from pets, dirty shoes or sporting gear, cigarette smoke, bathroom smells and many others.

While an ozonator does not kill dust mites, if neutralises the faeces that are often the cause of allergies and irritation. It can also help to prevent the spread of infection, so if one child gets sick, the others need not all go down with the same thing.

Ozonators have variable outputs, allowing you to be in control of how much ozone you have in your home. But how much nicer it would be to have that fresh air puffing through the home rather than the nasty smells that living in today’s environment often brings. Not only will you be happier, but healthier with an ozone generator to help clear the air. Other odour controls often work by chemicals that can be just as dangerous as what they get rid of, but an ozone generator works with fresh, pure air.

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Ozone generators perform a valuable service in cleansing the air of impurities. Better still, they don’t add any chemicals to the air you breathe.

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