Degree Programs are not Exclusive to Universities

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    Mar 24, 2014
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Degree Programs are not Exclusive to Universities Photo by Jason White

It used to be that to obtain a Bachelor degree, you had to attend university. With education shifting, that is no longer the case. Increasingly, colleges are offering degree-level undertakings through either four-year programs or joint offerings with universities that see students completing some of their studies at the college and some at one of the institution's partner universities.

At Centennial College, there are a range of both degree programs and joint options. Here is a closer look at them.

Bachelor of Public Relations Management: The objective of this offering is to ensure that students gain a comprehensive understanding of the public relations industry with a focus on building critical skills for career success in professional writing, research, strategic communications and social and digital media. As such, students engage in a variety of activities that include real world projects and a field placement that sees them applying what they have learned in class.

Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Computer and Communication Networks: In this program, students have the option of specializing in network security or wireless systems. This is achieved in small classes that ensure individual attention, class discussions and hands-on learning. Once they are comfortable with topics such as Computer Network Fundamentals, Computer Architecture, Website Design and Development, Operating Systems Fundamentals and more, students complete a co-op work term during the summer between second and third year.

Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Software Systems Design: After it was selected by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to deliver a program to address the demand for specialized software designers, Centennial College became the only college to offer a program of this kind. It allows students to specialize in mobile application development or service-oriented architecture and cloud computing while focusing on advanced software standards and management.

Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Bridging to Software Systems Design: This program also trains students to become software developers, software testers, game programmers, computer programmers, system analysts, business analysts, web application developers, database administrators and applications or software support. It, however, is geared towards computer program/analyst graduates or software engineering graduates from Centennial or from similar programs from other colleges. These mature students may be eligible to obtain this four-year Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences in Software System Design (SSD) in two years by joining the offering in its fifth semester.

Joint programs: These offerings meet rigorous Ontario Ministry standards (provincial standards) and are facilitated with partner universities, Ryerson University and the University of Toronto. As with the degree programs offered at Centennial College, joint programs offer practical and technical strengths of a college diploma and the theoretical foundations of a four-year bachelor degree. These joint programs include: Bachelor of Science Nursing (with Ryerson) and Journalism, New Media Studies and Paramedicine (with U of T).

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Emma wrote this article, in which she looks at the degree programs that are offered at Centennial College. She notes that these offerings ensure a balance between theory and practical application.

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