CORPORATE film or the corporate FILM

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    Dec 11, 2012
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It's important to keep an organisations objectives in mind when producing a corporate film, but beware of using too much information and 'corporate speak' to deliver your message. While a corporate film may achieve its objectives in terms of the information it delivers, it may fail to be creative & engaging, leaving the viewer bored and uninterested.

Video is a great tool to deliver information, but more importantly it can be used to inspire, engage and influence your audience. Our focus is on connecting audiences to your message in a way that inspires them to think, understand and take action.

When creating a corporate film, it's essential to determine how you want the audience to feel, as well as what message you want them to receive. Should they be laughing, crying, angry or inspired? Rarely is an organisations objective simply to get a message across, usually it's about influencing behaviour or creating interest. It's amazing then that corporate videos are so often boring and inexpressive.

Corporate videos are an engaging and effective way for companies to convey a message and connect to their audience. Whether it be used to promote products and services or to inform clients and associates, corporate video can be a very cost effective and powerful tool.

Using video gives you complete control of the message your audience is receiving. Videos can be designed to elicit specific emotions and responses like no other communication tool. Video eliminates the risk and cost that may come with a spokesperson or other methods of delivery.

Investing in a corporate video is a great way to enhance your message, boost your companies image and ensure that your audience understands & reacts to your message in the way you want.

Recently we were approached by a welfare oganisation to create a film for a conference. The organisation wanted the film to provide the audience with a complete understanding of the business. However, their main objective was to inspire the audience to take action by making them cry.

We told the organisations story from a personal point of view rather than a business one. At the end of the film ALL 200+ people in the room had tears in their eyes. The film was a success not because of its message, but because it was creative and engaging.  Watch it here - 'Tomorow'

Most people don't naturally relate to 'corporate speak' on a personal level, and at the end of the day every story or message in a business can be delivered from a personal point of view.

Author's Profile

Josh ONeill is the owner of Visual Contact. Visual Contact is a Melbourne based video production business specializing in corporate videos, promotional videos and web videos.

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