What will a Home Look Like in The Future?

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    Oct 08, 2013
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Business of Software - Eric Ries
Business of Software - Eric Ries
Photo by betsyweber

What do you think a home will look like in the year 2025? This is exactly what GE Appliances industrial design engineers wanted to find out. They put all of their ideas together this past summer for the GE Home 2025 exhibit in Louisville, KY, where GE Appliances is based. One thing is certain it will be different than it looks right now!

One of the challenges for the GE engineering team was to look ahead and figure out what life will be like in 12 short years in our homes. The team was asked to present ideas for home appliance use that would open up new ways for people to wash clothes, make dinner, use technology in the kitchen and home, and make house chores more effective and more enjoyable.

Among the highlights were:

- A kitchen 3D printer. 3D uses are fast becoming reality, and an example of 3D printing of food was one of the not-so-outlandish ideas. For certain food items, we may be able to structure food ingredients and flavors in the future.

- A drinks dispensing home appliance. The team created an interactive faucet that will tell how thirsty a person is, and how much liquid is necessary to combat the thirst. Them a user would combine ice, water and flavor cartridges to make a thirst-quenching beverage.

- A combined garbage disposal/compost creator. Put your trash into the disposal, then switch it to mash up the food, compress it into pellets which are then put into a container. When that container is full, you spread those pellets around the garden.

- A laundry/clothes station. This machine washes, dries and stores clothes into small pellets that stay in the machine. When you need an outfit, you choose the correct clothes pellet and the machine revives the clothes item in less than 60 seconds. In the future, with this home appliance, you will not only need closets and dressers to store clothes, but you may not need a washer, dryer, iron or ironing board, either!

The concepts at the Home 2025 exhibit are grounded in reality for the most part, but commercial considerations are still the hard part. GE and others would need to understand the complexities of the home appliance shopping market and know how to create such a tech machine on a mass scale for American household usage. In any case, it’s exciting to see how one of the leading manufacturers of household appliances sees technology and appliances together in the future.

Check here for GE Appliances replacement parts if still under warranty. For all your other home appliance replacements parts, contact us at Appliance Parts Company. You’re certain to find the part you need for your home appliance in our wide catalog of parts for air conditioners, refrigerators, washers, dryers and cooking ranges.

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Article Source: Appliance Parts Company

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