How to Survive a Bio Attack

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    Mar 17, 2013
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Gas mask practice Hallow School 1940s
Gas mask practice Hallow School 1940s
Photo by muffinn

Biological warfare is a constant threat and one of the greatest concerns in the world. In case you don’t know, a biological attack is a deliberate discharge of deadly germs that can make people sick. There are three common agents and forms of entry that a bio attack can take hold. The three forms of entry are through inhalation, cuts on the skin, or ingestion. Biological warfare is the use of toxins, organisms, or bacteria to infect, kill, or incapacitate humans, plants, animals, and water.

Biological warfare tactics may be employed to gain tactical or strategic advantage over adversaries. Bio terror can be used as a threat or actual deployment. There are many reasons why a terrorist group would use biological warfare. Biological attacks, from a military standpoint, are useful in denying an area access. Whether biological warfare is used against a single individual, a group of people, or an entire population, it can be lifesaving if you know how to survive a bio attack. Follow me down and let’s review some of the basic steps in how to survive a bio attack.


  • Keeping clean is a common step in reducing exposure to biological warfare as well as infectious diseases.
  • Protective clothing can help cover any wounds or entry points such as the eyes, ears, nose, and throat. If you wet a rag and cover your mouth, it can reduce or eliminate toxic spores from entering your lungs and intestines.
  • If you are in a residence, you can clean everything with bleach and filter your window seams, door seams, and vents.
  • If the attack is airborne, staying inside can reduce your exposure to airborne agents.
  • It always helps to listen to any alerts on the news or your radio. They may provide you with information on how to protect yourself against the attack and where you can go to get help if you are exposed.
  • Limit your social activity because the people around you may be carrying contagious agents that can quickly spread to millions of people.
  • The most effective biological warfare is airborne. You can buy a respirator or gas mask to protect you and your family from inhalation of airborne particles.
  • Medical gloves can prevent agents from getting on your hands and being passed on to another surface if you properly dispose of the gloves after a suspected exposure.
  • If you like to prepare for the future, you can stockpile at least two weeks supply of canned foods.
  • If you are in an area of attack, avoid taking deep breaths and try to cover up your face until you leave the area.


Author's Profile

Rick Samson loves working out and playing sports. He currently writes articles on Interesting Articles.

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