Seeking Answers and Inspiration in Spirituality without Judgment or Expectation

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    Sep 28, 2013
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Seeking Answers and Inspiration in Spirituality without Judgment or Expectation Photo by Paul Martin

People turn to spirituality for answers. The hardest part of finding the answers is recognizing them in spite of the noise. While some people suggest that human beings are not capable of really understanding the universe in any profound way, since we are so immersed in daily trivialities like earning a living, doing laundry, cooking meals and raising children. We all need inspiration to survive the mundane and depressing elements of life that drain us and leave us wishing for more.

Great art, music, poetry, love and many other things inspire us. The challenge human beings experience is trying to remain hopeful when life becomes hard. Unfortunately, the media spends most of its attention broadcasting news about the worst aspects of existence such as war and poverty, crime and corporate greed. If you aren't careful and take in too much of this negative news, you can become sullen and cynical. That is why it is so important to get involved in the goodness of life.

Faith requires that we believe there is a good reason for doing the right thing, simply because it is the right thing. While different religions require followers to abide by specific rules and guidelines, spirituality is more general in nature. To stay inspired throughout life, it is important to tap into positive emotions like love to restore faith in the beauty of the universe as expressed through human beings.

Immersing yourself in nature is a time-tested way to get nearer to God. Even when human beings behave badly, nature still provides the beauty capable of lifting our spirits, transcending wars and greed and all other problems manmade. The privilege of seeing a glorious sunset or holding a sleeping cat in your lap can transform you and remind you of the glory of simple pleasures.

The arts speak of the best and the worst of life, evoking strong emotions. joyful poems are meant to bless us all, inspiring the best memories and celebrating the wonders of life worth blessing with our favorite words. Spirituality gives us hope that we can make a difference in the world by being good people and bringing light into other people's lives.

We all have God given gifts that are meant to be shared with one another. Some of us can sing, and we are mean to serenade the world with joyful songs to boost the hearts of others. Some of us are visionaries, meant to create technology or create vaccines to heal the sick. Rejecting the ugliness that can be viewed every day watching the news is a good step towards a more spiritual life filled with light.

While we are forced to live in the world, we do not have to accept or dignify the violence or negative energy that is present in life, finding purpose instead in helping and inspiring others. To truly honor life. It is important to recognize the part we play individually in making it a brighter place.

Being sad is inevitable, but staying depressed is optional. There is work to be done to change the world you know for the better. Staying inspired and moving forward is up to us all. It is our responsibility to read and write joyful poems, sharing the sound of verbal art. It is also our responsibility to turn away from depressing and negative music that empowers the darkness of life, in favor of uplifting and joyful songs about hope and love. Checking out sites like is one way to find inspiration.


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For inspirational insights, joyful songs and joyful poems go to My to remind yourself of the beauty all around.

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