Do book editors have to be authors themselves to successfully edit? It depends upon what sort of editing we’re talking about. For copyeditors and proofers, no.
I’m not a big proponent of books on writing. I know, I know, lots of folks swear by them. From the old Strunk & White to Julie Cameron’s inspirational works and everything in between.
Traditional publishing is rigidly structured. No news flash there! But the stratification and specs of categories often bumfuzzle writers.
This article is about three most famous Tennesse Williams`s plays.
This article is about famous American beat writers.
Okay, so you’ve effectively set the scene, and are ready to really dive into the conflict. But what actually is conflict in a scene? And how do you write it effectively?
This article describes rise and fall of American dream in a famous novel The Great Gatsby.
This article describes the ideas of famous transcendentalists.
This article describes and analyzes a famous American novel "Scarlet Letter".
This article describes the lives of American war veterans who lived in Paris.