Know More About Dubai Marhaba Services

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    Apr 18, 2014
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Know More About Dubai Marhaba Services Photo by Isha Yama

Marhaba means welcome. This cultural touch might seem obvious to some experienced and frequent travellers. However, it is a great support for regular travellers. It is a really heart-warming and comforting experience for first timers as well. Make the smile and positivity count. Whether you want someone to escort your mother to the plane or transform a wait at the airport into a quick Dubai trip, the power is in your hands. Honestly, who wouldn’t like to feel welcomed? The heart of the matter is that this is one of those simple yet helpful services that go a long way in making Dubai what it is.

Marhaba services are available to comfort tourists - our families, friends and customers alike.  Travellers go through immigration, customs and several other procedures in country of origin and in Dubai. No wonder, this support to make this process more bearable and easier is always appreciated. Though paid, this is a valuable service.  The warmth and advice offered through Marhaba service is more than useful. So, here are the details that you should know about this service before booking it for your customers or family members.

• There are several categories available based on the number of different services provided. You can use a stroller for your babies. You can airport experience much easier for family members, mothers and children much easier with tailored Marhaba services.  You can fulfil the need of your friend, who has a stopover at Dubai. You can ask for Dubai Marhaba services to deliver your baggage anywhere in UAE.

• As of today, these services are available at Dubai and Bahrain airports only.

• You would need to place an order for these services in advance. You must book these services at least 24 hours before the arrival or departure of concerned person.

• You can cancel these services too. You can cancel these services with 100% refund if you make cancellations at least 8 hours before the arrival or departure.  You can use email or telephone number to confirm the cancellations or to make any changes in the order placed.

Dubai Marhaba services are just the additional way of making the airport experience positive and more memorable. There are too many waiting lines and unexplained delays that hassle first timers as well as the frequent travellers. You can never get comfortable with that. So, let’s get over it with right support you need on the airport.

Author's Profile

Isha Yama is an employee of Cox and Kings Global Services. She talks about Marhaba services in Dubai, which are the special welcome services that you can arrange for family or friends. She explains relevant details about the Dubai Marhaba Services that individuals are required to know before booking it.

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