Give Social Recruiting a Try if You Havent Already!

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    Oct 01, 2013
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Give Social Recruiting a Try if You Havent Already! Photo by Savio Vadakkan

Finding effective strategies for recruiting rock star talent that fits into the company philosophy and requirement is the topmost concern for any human resource personnel since employees are the biggest assets of any organization, hence one such vital tool that aids the human resource personnel in this is an Employee Referral Program. Employee Referrals enables the organization to use employees as the brand ambassadors of the company to generate an easy recruitment by referring candidates most eligible for the job post. This is possible because Good people know other Good people, and as Dale Carnegie rightly puts “Grade A people are likely to know more Grade A people”. Employee Referral programs also result in low cost of hiring and leads to a better retention rate.

Given the varied benefits of an Employee Referral Program in any organization, there arises no doubt about the very fact that it works well in the recruitment strategy. However, the question that needs to be addressed to is that how can we make the employee referral program work better, more efficient, effective and thereby gain maximum benefit from it. One of the many ways to make it work optimally is that organizations should be able to tap a wide network of people in shortest time.

Today, there are millions of people on popular social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and You Tube. Social media connects the entire world, linking people together just at a click of the mouse. LinkedIn today has become the new monster with 3 new users per second, Facebook is approaching one billion users and Twitter has gone ahead to become a media platform where people of this generation log onto to read news on tweets rather than tuning into any news channel. Word of mouth has become the word of web, which clearly indicates the immense reach social media has today.

All this clearly signifies that within five years, social media recruiting has gone from niche to mainstream. It is a one-point connection place that has maximum number of people present due to the varied connections on different social media sites.

For example any individual has on average 316 connections on these social sites. If a company has 100 employees, and assuming that each employee on average has 316 connections in totality the company at one go is able to reach 31,600 people. These are the first-degree connections. Now these 31,600 people will further have their own set of known people on their social profile. So in a nutshell this chain shall go on.

Now, just imagine the pool of talent that an organization can tap into just by integrating their employee referral solution program with the social media platform.

Considering this fact, organizations have started to adapt to this change and are encouraging employees to refer good connections from their personal social networks for the vacancy. Companies are striving for employees to serve as an unofficial talent explorer.

Integration with Social media therefore can be an effective employee referral solution and can act as an aid to employee referral programs. Employee referral engagement enables employees to act as recruitment brand ambassadors of the organization. This not only serves as a branding activity for the organization but also enables the company to have a talented candidate on board at a lowest possible.

Hence, if employee referral programs are considered to be the most critical source of recruitment it definitely makes sense to wed social media and employee referral.

Author's Profile

Savio Vadakkan is the Marketing Professional at ZALP, a unique employee referrals booster. ZALP helps organizations tap the full potential of their employee referral program & employee referral solution using advanced social media integration and interesting features like gamification.

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