Data Governance Tools That Support The Functioning Of MDM Solutions

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    Nov 23, 2013
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Controlling IT Costs; Enterprise Architecture (EA) strategy, a shared lexicon, and enforced change
Controlling IT Costs; Enterprise Architecture (EA) strategy, a shared lexicon, and enforced change
Photo by Wonderlane

Implementing material master data management or the use of value-adding tools alone cannot guarantee success. It is the expertise and the dedication of the team along with well-defined strategies and policies that bring success to every organization. There are various data governance tools that play a major role in elevating the usability of data, thereby resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. All these essential tools need to be identified and incorporated into supporting systems to best suit an organization, as the needs of every organization varies.

It is often noticed that most MDM solutions fail to explore the full potential of data governance templates. Standardized templates aid in organizing the tasks and output of the system that guide the users in defining the policies, which helps them prioritize tasks of higher importance. Customized templates will guide through the process enabling the experts and the users to deal effectively with the available information.

Accuracy and completeness are two integral factors of data quality managementThe governance tools that aid in the flow of information are consistent and reliable. These tools cleanse the existing data, standardize it, remove duplication and aid in deriving strategies that support the implementation of the correct governance model that benefits the process. Data modeling tools standardize and rationalize several aspects of information and aids in solving the diverse set of data model challenges that an organization faces. It deals with data entity issues and structures the available information, while maintaining a hierarchical format that increases the efficiency, consistency and integrity of the process.

The meta data management tools are essential for enhancing the visibility of the information that flows into the systems used by the organizations. They aid in the creation and management of glossaries that include information on various business terms, concepts, definitions, models and standard methodologies. The semantic tool also acts as a centralized platform for enterprises, providing a knowledge base of various insights on structures and the definitions that are used.

Such tools surely add flexibility and convenience to the whole MDM process. However, the tools alone cannot make a master data management process successful. To tap the full potential of these tools and its supporting software, it is essential to create well-defined policies that guide the data governance team to structure the process to best suit the practices of client's current business environment. Choosing the best of available tools and creating a structured strategy assures successful implementation of data management processes that will bring long-term success to an organization.

Author's Profile

Jessica Banks has immense experience in the field of master data management. She writes articles to spread awareness about the benefits of MDM process.

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