Dedicated Server Hosting in India Becoming a Favorite

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    Sep 25, 2012
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Dedicated server hosting in India has been on a rise since past some time now. This is more so because the maximum number of business houses has tried, and tested, almost all the basic hosting services that are available; in the web hosting market. The startup sites usually used, either shared hosting services or the virtual private server hosting services. Shared hosting never gave root access to its clients, and the features were not as rich as the VPS or any other hosting server. The safety loopholes have been many in the shared server, for a lot of sites are being hosted over there.

Most novice webmasters used the services of shared hosting, for a page or maybe a couple of pages, to test or experiment their websites. The applications, used on the other sites always tend to interfere with the working of the neighboring site. This is because every site is in a very close proximity to each other. Limited access makes the control and command of one’s own site very inconvenient, which may result in a poor performance. Thus, hosting here may result in the complete failure of the whole purpose if the site receives a huge amount of traffic.

Virtual private server can easily take care of everything that a shared server can’t, and much more.  It works on the concept of shared server hosting but at the same time, it is loaded with the majority of the features that are similar, to what the dedicated server hosting in India possess. To create a virtual private server, a dedicated server is being ‘sliced’ by using virtualization software. This particular software in action, divides the whole server virtually, for the hosting requirements of separate websites.

The first best thing that happens to a VPS is the webmaster gets a complete root access to dedicated hosting services that has been allocated for his site. The bandwidth, storage space, RAM, control panel for root access and other resources are in complete control of the webmaster. This way he can look after the activities that are necessary for the smooth running of his site. A complete backup of data is also created here on a regular basis, which is a common attribute among all the web hosting services. The cost factor here is very reasonable, it is slightly more than the shared server hosting, but it is less than the dedicated server India services at any given point of time.

Now, if you really want your growing site to flourish into a huge portal of profit and revenue generation, then you must choose the dedicated server hosting. It will give your site the edge, which is very much required in this competitive era of web hosting. First of all, you get your own server, how; is completely up to you. Buy it or rent it, your choice. With that you also get the choice of operating software between Linux hosting and Windows, whatever is convenient to you, is being loaded on the server. Most of the web owners prefer, Linux over windows; for it is open source software. Hence; giving an unlimited advantage with developing, distributing and sharing without the need of a license. This privilege doesn’t lie with the Microsoft’s windows OS or any of its software.

Other than the fact that a dedicated server is a costly affair, it is the best option to pick if you want to make some serious money, from your business site without any downtime and network congestion. If you can get yourself an SEO service along with the dedicated hosting, then go for it. Search engine optimization will not only boost the ranking of your site, but it will also help in bringing more business.

Author's Profile

Lanostechnologies is one of the leading cheap linux hosting India companies catering to a large clientele across the globe. Based in India it has the most feasible VPS, cloud hosting services and dedicated server in India even with linux hosting server operating systems to provide maximum ease at a lower cost to all the clients.

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