Explore Top 4 Tools For Impeccable WordPress Theme Development

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    Apr 14, 2014
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Creating a WordPress theme is an amazing experience, but it is important to ensure that you are employing appropriate tools for the theme development, before you begin. Effective tools make the entire process a lot easier. There are the times, when you realize that something went wrong and so, you need to return to the beginning. To help you with the WordPress theme development, we have put together the best tools and creative ideas that contribute to developing and maintaining elegant themes for your website.

Delve Into The Most Effective WordPress Theme Development Tools

  1. WordPress: It is obvious that you need to download the latest WordPress version and get it properly installed on your system. It should be installed on the local test server such that you will be able to test your theme conveniently. Remember that XAMP & MAMP have different installation procedures to follow, so you must give proper attention to it.
  2. MAMP or XAMP: Establishing a test server on your system is the first and foremost step in theme development. Although you can create it using actual WordPress server, but it is practical and much easier to use a local test server. It is quite affordable and can do wonders for the entire theme development process. Installing these server programs can be a daunting task, but fortunately there are a few free software available online that help you install as well manage the server. The only thing that differentiates XAMP from MAMP is that MAMP is meant MAC users, whereas XAMP is for Windows users.
  3. Dummy Content: You will get some dummy content or sample content for the WordPress installation. Through your WordPress admin panel, go to ‘Tools’, select ‘Import’ and navigate to WordPress from the available options. Now, you need to import WXR post data file. The two options include WPCandy Sample Content and The Theme Unit Test Data. These data sets have their own uses and drawbacks. Just import the entire dummy content to ensure that nothing is missed. Once you are done with the theme, make use of post navigation to get through every post. Examine the archived files for year month and category. A powerful dummy content can help you identify if something is awry.
  4. PHP: Amazingly, WordPress theme development does not require specific graphics software for building WordPress themes. Having a text editor would work great for theme coding. However, you can even use a notepad, if you are competent enough, there are a lot of other options that are freely available and also help you identify the mistakes. Notepad++ is a great text editor, which is available free-of-cost.


Beside these, there are lots of other tools available over the internet that can help you create WordPress theme in an efficient manner. A number of plug-ins add to the online library every day, so you will not face any issue in finding the right plug-in for your WordPress theme development project. Make sure that you have the tools ready prior to starting with the theme customization.

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Hire the services of top-notch web development company - PSDtoWordPressExpert, which ensures the top quality WordPress theme development and customization services, to obtain exclusive website, designed in accordance with your business needs. Custom WordPress development is one of the premium services of this development company and their programmers are highly-efficient to take the responsibility of coding.

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