What Can Disc Tests Do For An Organization?

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    Jul 26, 2013
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Speaker's Society Presentations
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Today many people get a job because they have a personal connection with the interviewer or have a stellar interview. However, it is very important for management to ensure that the candidate has the potential that is required, can mingle with the corporation’s working system and can add something to the company’s present value. How can one confirm that an individual will show the same dedication during the work hours as he or she showed in the interview? Will the candidate carry the same true personality and daily work ethic as seen in the interview? Well to tackle all such types of questions that can seriously affect your company’s stature, the disc tests will work the best and spill the truth! Implementing this into the company’s recruiting program can help.

The disc training takes care of the four quadrant behavioral model. These models examine the behavior of an individual under a given specific condition or environment. The four variables that can be studied are:

• The assertiveness or dominance quality in any particular situation

• Test of communication skills in social environment

• Steadiness in tough situations and a check of persistence and patience

• Compliance as per the structure of the situation

DISC management offers the recruiters a holistic approach in hiring potential employees. With the help of this assessment technique, it is easy to assess whether an individual is fit to mix in a given team. The high turnover rate is mainly the result of unsatisfied employees. People look for more rewarding positions due to mundane tasks, false promises and lack of opportunity they face. The DISC assessment is the right solution to this problem. It gives the recruiters the motivational factors, needs and the thoughts of each employee under them. Understanding the mindsets of the employees will give the leaders a better way to solve the problem and increase the productivity of the employees.

To have a successful business, one must develop a team of talented members. With the disc profiles program, the leaders can know the characteristics and personality traits of potential employees as well as cultivate their mentoring skills and match it to the level required by the team members. Having a DISC Workplace can improve the overall success of any organization by refining the skills and strengthening the leadership foundation. With so many benefits, it is always a wise decision to include the DISC program in an organization.


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Ease the conflict and squeeze the best out of your teams and managers by taking advantage of the Disc program. Find out more right here.

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