How To Identify The Best Home Loan In India?

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    Jul 25, 2014
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How To Identify The Best Home Loan In India? Photo by Aishwarya Mahurkar

When you are looking for the best home loans in India, you need to perform more than just a basic online research or a credit score report. You need to evaluate all the possible opportunities to identify the most suitable one. Homeloans are these multi-faceted financial products that tend to vary in minor details like 0. 23% change in interest rates, type of repayment or the type of interest rates. However, these details can make a long term impact. So, consider the following steps to select the best housing loan for you.

Identify the comparable criteria for home loans

When you research about home loans in India, you need to understand how to assessthe prospective home loans from two different perspectives – what you can afford and what you can qualify for. So, identify the potential range of interest rates that you can manage to pay and the home loan offers that you can meet the requirements for. This will navigate your search in more precise premises. You obviously need to improve your credit score before applying for a home loan in India. Alternatively, you need a repayment plan that suits your earning capabilities. So, fine tune your search to housing finance companies in India whose home loan eligibility criteria you can meet. Then select the home loan you can manage in terms of EMIs, repayment options, type of interest rates, prepayment charges, etc.

Research the personal finances

When you need to determine the best home loans in India, you need more than just lowest interest rates. You will need the home loan that is tailored to suit your financialsituation. You have assets, liabilities and accounts payable. So, in the long run, you need a home loan repayment schedule that you can maintain without extending your means. For most borrowers, their home loan EMIs is about 30% of their in-hand salary. It can be easy or difficult to pay based on your month-on-month account payables. Majority of the people research about home loans in India; however, they fail to investigate their personal finances to identify how these loans will play out for the next 20 to 30 years. Hence, understand the implications of prepayments, foreclosures and loan defaults beforehand.

Watch out for all expenses and loop holes

This is the last but the most important criterion. If you receive a home loan offer, most borrowers are often too excited to even go through their home loan agreement for terms and conditions. However, it is certainly vital to do so since it allows you to accept, negotiate or reject the offer basis your long term requirement rather than keeping yourself vulnerable to the fiscal threat.

Author's Profile

Aishwarya Mahurkar is an experienced writer concerning the finance industry. Her articles help in informing her readers of the home loans in India and the best home loans.

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